My account is tmp and secureboot error but other account is working fine. I tried like 5 pc still getting the same error. What should I do?

17 Replies
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss
Press win+r
Type tpm.msc
Show ss
Im not in the internet cafe rn but i encountered it earlier when trying to play
Do these things when u r back there ^
U need to enable some stuff inside the bios
For sure im not allowed to do that because they are using diskless setup
Well get permission then
But the weird thing is, why I was able to play using other account?
Those pcs will be unable to play valorant on many other accounts with this restrictions
Cuz the restriction is account based
Not on ur pc's part
Well it kinda is
But whatevr
So the secure boot and tpm restrictions are imposed on some accounts by vanguard
It depends on some factors if ur account will get these restrictions or not
My friend have this problem like a month ago, he said he already tried all troubleshooting by enabling tpm and secure boot but still getting the same error
Not possible
They definitely didn't enable one or both of em properly
Or maybe his tpm version is only 1.2?
Yeah can be
I think i need to find an internet cafe with PC that support tpm 2.0 to play then
Any 8th gen and above intel cpu supports tpm 2.0
How amd?
How about*
Almost evry single one
Alright, thank you for the info. Appreciate it
They need to be enabled most of the time btw