opening riot caps my wifi
when i open riot client or even go on the val site to download the downloader it still caps my wifi on everything on my pc to 0.1 and i can tell through the task manager but ive tried deleting everything ans restarting but same issue any fix?
17 Replies
U mean the download speed goes to 0.1 kbps?
when i runa wifi test it forces chrome to go up to 500mbs
When that happens, force close riot client using task manager
but once its over it goes down to 0.1
Then open riot client again
no change

Try disabling ipv6
whats that
where can i find
In ur network adapter settings
nope nothing
open command prompt as administrator and type these commands in order.
last oen shows this

Did u run cmd as admin?
Cuz it doesn't look like it
oh lemem try again my fualt
jsut syas ok
i tried new browser but nothign
it shows in apps

but i dleteed the game
clickign uninstal give an error
Use revo uninstaller if u want to uninstall the game