is anyone else getting random ping spikes?
is anyone else getting insanely high ping spikes in matches that dont last long but are messing up gameplay. Some matches are fine but others i am constantly spiking in ping. This has been happening for the past couple of days.
24 Replies
send a vid of you playing deathmatch with all network stats related stuff set to graph
like fps, ping, packet loss?

all these
not fps
all that to graph
like a 2min vif
40 - 60sec should be enuf
file size is to big
i gotta compress it
i got it
i didnt really lag that game but do yk what i could do to solve this? @lyra | Barret 2.0
its loading
clip it when it happens
Singapore , mumbai servers
ping randomly goes from a 40 - 50 to 400-500
started since the day before yesterday for me
random ping spikes?
you still got em?
i dont think so
was it your first time getting that problem?
was it at odd hours?
like early morning or late night?
wym odd hours
i been getting ping spikes and sometimes its at night, it varies quite a bit though, using CAT5 ethernet cable and sadly only 2.4ghz, my wifi speed test from like an hour ago

does there seem to be a fix>
because im getting spikes from 15 to 200 constantly