98 Replies
win+r, msinfo32, send a photo
ive always been able to play withoutsecure boot
i logged into another account on valorant and this doesnt not happen
I dont know if its becasue recently my valorant account has been hacked
Nope it's just that valorant requires you to have secure boot enabled
Some accounts / systems Don't require you to have it depending on vanguard
so why am i able to play on a different account
Vanguard imposes the restrictions
It looks like secure boot is unsupported because you're in a legacy mode
im trying to convert my disk 0 to gpt instead of mbr rn
Press the windows key and search for “cmd”
Right click Command Prompt
Click “Run as administrator”
You should be able to now; type in this new window
mbr2gpt.exe /validate /disk:0 /allowFullOS
becasue it wont boot if i enable secure boot

did it
Enter the final command
mbr2gpt.exe /convert /disk:0 /allowFullOS

didnt work
ive already tried doing this
Open disk management

Right click this and press shrink volume


Click cancel
Right click on the system reserved this time
Can you shrink it?

Press shrink


Do you know how to boot into the windows recovery environment?
yes but uefi doesnt pop up
Yes I know
Please enter your recovery environment
Go to troubleshoot, and click on cmd


you still there?

What did you do?
Did you enable secure boot?
turned off pc in recovery
Turn off your computer
Wait until it’s fully off
Turn it back on and spam click the delete key

Disable CSM support
And then save and exit
And then pray to God your PC boots
thanks for the black screen

You're sure your computer is on
Restart your computer
i reset the cmos and i still get this

I need to know what you did
The conversion failed
i did what you did
i didnt do anything before i came to you except
mbr2gpt.exe /convert /disk:0 /allowFullOS
i tried
mbr2gpt.exe /convert /disk:0 /allowFullOS by myself and it gave me the same response
Go back to your bios
ok im here
Please show me a photo

Please click boot option one and show me the selections

The windows boot manager isn't there
not that i see
From what I can see it looks like your windows installation is corrupted
it was working before
Did you by chance install windows on a new drive. Well Windows was already installed on a different drive?
Like you were using an old drive and then you bought a new one and then you installed Windows on that new drive
Are you sure?
i dont have a old drive with windows
or any
So you only ever installed windows on one drive
i bought this computer with windows
What is under preferred operating mode?

Do you have a windows installation usb
Do you have another windows computer?
only have 1 computer
You're going to need one
so you fucked my shit
In the most simplest way most likely
Go back to your bios ^
im here
Show me what is under storage boot option control

Set it to legacy only
and same as the one below that

now i cant use my pc
a) get a usb and find and use a pc to download windows installation media
b) Most tech stores and online shopping retailers will have premade usb drives with windows already on them
i have to buy stuff now
my pc was working fine before this
You don’t have a USB drive?
why didnt you tell me to create a restore point
A restore point can’t reverse this
That’s not how restore points work
how do i fix this wothout money
Find a USB drive
Access a public computer and download the windows installation media
You also get a friends computer