getting high ping in sg server
Ive been playing in sg server these time and had no problem till yesterday,i love in Indonesia using Biznet network and i had this problem since yesterday i thought it was just my wifi being laggy but till now still the same ping on sg server, usually my ping on singapore always below 20/15 never went so high till now its 170+ms always never moved,is there any way to fix this?

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back,just checked having 8 ping extremely stable thx for helping,really helps a lot tysm @Kenji-San @Jimz 🫡
53 Replies
Yep same issue as me, same isp, also occurred yesterday even same 170ish ping lol
U also indo right? @Fantasia
Only mumbai server has good ping
How to play with these ping

We will check this out thanks for reporting it @Zens
@Fantasia is the ping still jumping for you ? I remember you told me its 3ms then 170 randomly
Yea still stsying constant at 170ish ms
@Zens would you mind telling me your public IP in DM please, you can use sites like to get this information (please make sure you DM me this information as its sensitive)
This is ingame

yeah not good
I might have found the issue, reached out to Biznet to fix it up, keep you updated guys
Thanks kenji
Nope, even mumbai server has bad routing for people playing in some parts of India
Thx cant wait to be able to play again 😁
I meant in here i have good ping on mumbai but bad on sg somehow
Oh that’s messed up then, hopefully it gets fixed
I really hope even I get a better ping cause even I’m facing messed up routing
@Kenji-San check dm pls sir i need help with same issue
@Kenji-San is the issue being fixed?
We are still working on it with your provider.
Yo! @Zens Biznet made our suggested change, can you take a look if the latency improved ?
Yo am currently from school going back home ill check it as soon as i went home,will keep u updated
back,just checked having 8 ping extremely stable thx for helping,really helps a lot tysm @Kenji-San @Jimz 🫡
nice one! thank you @Zens
@Kenji-San pls help me I have same issue
ISP : PT Telkom Indonesia
Country : Indonesia
Server : SG
Yo @!Kentaro you mentioned that you have problems only in lobby, is this still the case ?
in game you have good ping ?
yes sir
only lobby have issue
and did you noticed any problems in game despite the ping is on low end? also what are you getting in lobby ?
thats the problem
while my ping is stable while inmatch
ill check what is going on here but at least you can play the game right ? did the ingame ping change to worse recently ? sorry for all the questions but it helps me investigate the issue
yes i can play the game but high ping lobby take a long time to find a matches my ingame ping perfectly fine
its stable
its started like 1 month ago or 2 month ago
alright ill check it out thanks @!Kentaro
thankss sir
new issue the ping sometime not stable in other game my ping is very stable
W riot employees
What does that generally occur?
when i take fight
I don't think that' related to the network. If there's a network congestion causing latency spikes you'd see it more consistently in a game
this thing still haunting me though
can you traceroute to when you get a spike in ping?
my isp wont let me change my ip
i dont have this problem anymore
only lobby high ping
hey @!Kentaro Telin (Telekom Indonesia) made some changes recently to the way they route the traffic to our servers, are you still experiencing the same problem with lobby pings?
I'll be checking later sir
Not at home
i still have the same problem though but it sometimes become low ping,
my ip somehow keep changing everyday
does your lobby ping look better now at least?
yes now 300-400
yesteday 700
So many latency related posts sheesh