VALORANT11mo ago

perm suspension?

I have been playing this game for a while and recently logged in like last night? April 20 and i received this message saying im suspended? I don’t have any third party installations besides like tracker.gg which to my knowledge should be safe. I contacted support and they keep telling me the same thing im unsure what triggered this to han my account. I have been to a couple pc cafes with friends but never used or saw anything that should trigger the anti cheat. i told the support page that i did have to change my password word recently because i saw a game that wasn’t done by me on my account before it got banned since i thought it would help in their investigation. im kinda desperate rn for some help what else can i do
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16 Replies
kchwOP11mo ago
ive sent a ticket to the support team and they didnt help just told me there was third party software and left it at that so i made another ticket and am waiting for a reply meant to say april 30 other than tracker i have apps open like Nvidia, Logitec for my mouse, steelseries for clipping, discord, spotify, blizzard. i had a vanguard notification tell me it blocked something and it showed like a driver update file i think but it pops up and goes away so i always ignored it since if that was the problem the ban should have happened a long time ago I have a vpn too not sure if that may have caused it? yea im stressed ngl this isnt a main account for me hence why i use it when i travel etc. but i have spent money on it so.
Lydexia11mo ago
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Lydexia11mo ago
Hey, I have the same as you !! I get hacked and banned??? My friend told me if i was in ranked and i told him no im not, wtf is going on Riot ? 1200€ on my acc pls and doing GC Contenders my acc get checked last month 😭
kchwOP11mo ago
yeah so ive been trying to find information on this in this server and other places to figure out what is happening on my side too i can let you know everything i know so you can hopefully get you acc back if it is true that it was unjust as of right now i am still waiting for riot support to get back at me ive submitted multiple tickets and one of them they responded and pretty much said that their suspicions were correct to which i tried to contest to no avail one thing that is important that i was informed of in this server is to not put multiple tickets as you will get blacklisted. it may be too late for me but all i can do is hope and wait. so yeah make no more than 3 tickets if you really got hacked it should be easier to get your acc unbanned since i think they are more lenient if you got hacked in my case i dont think i got hacked im not too sure though another thing is to check if youre hwid banned meaning banned on your device i would recommend you go on an alt and try to play some games see if it lets you that way you can at least play and start over on another acc as horrible as that seems. im still trying to figure this out myself and its kind of tough getting help for this as i understand there is alot of people who may he faking it too so i hope this helps and if you got banned unjustly i hope you get unbanned good luck to you if you have anything else you want to know just msg im this chat and if i know anything about it i can help if i can if riot doesnt help then as far as i know there isnt really any other way i asked if contacting a riot dev would at all be useful but apparently it wouldn’t matter since they dont have the permission to unban so dont waste your time on that there is hope for a ticket though as my friend has had this happen and he was able to get unbanned after a long while. ill update you if i get unbanned too in the end just try to keep a positive and open mind about it no point getting angry it wont help tbh its annoying tho kind of too much words apologies for that
Keode11mo ago
mustve been the person playing a game on ur account using hacks. try to appeal to riot and ask them to check ip logins to prove it wasnt u cheating
kchwOP11mo ago
i can ask them to check but i dont think i had any logins from anyone who would use hacks mainly just my brother and my gf who use my pc ill ask anyways though you never know thanks for the suggestion
vwampie11mo ago
honestly could be ur gf or ur brother more suspicious of your brother probably got ratted somehow and they got control to ur pc somehow unsure otherwise honestly my crosshairs keep gettin deleted, even mid game but nobodys logged in and couldnt physically be since i didnt get kicked
kchwOP11mo ago
maybe ill try too look into it im going to refrain from messaging riot support for a bit as i did panick spam them a little and i have a few tickets so ill wait it out and bring my case back up after i asked around and nothing has come up so far i was told to not have too many tickets
vwampie11mo ago
this might not go for riot but, you might have ruined your chances of getting any sort of account restore/revert since they hate spammers and stuff obviously its normal to panic but yea they def hate those things
kchwOP11mo ago
yeah i sent like 4 tickets so im hoping it wasnt too much for them i didnt know for now it seems the best i can do is wait
vwampie11mo ago
yea if they say anuything about ur spam just apologize and say it was an in the heat moment theyre so understanding and sweet <3 love riot support
kchwOP11mo ago
the more i look into this the more im finding people who were able to get their accounts back and they are telling me to just be patient so thats what im doing now ahahah yeah if they bring it up ill be sure to apologize i was caught off guard
ricekristies8mo ago
how did it go?
F-35A8mo ago
yeah howd it go
ricekristies8mo ago
he got it back im pretty sure
8mo ago
Most likely cheated :think: Just for information there was a recent Vanguard update that patched and ban-waved TONS of cheats 🙂

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