Stuck & Freeze

Hi guys , i just got some problems in my valorant game i have good pc and playing 160+ fps but suddenly i found the game always taking long time to upload , example : when someone does dodge it takes like 80 secs to upload to the next match so i get lose 3 rr cuz im still getting the freeze screen so i hope someone can help me and fix these problems , ty.
7 Replies
xLeYoUsSeFOP7mo ago
i cant reinstall valorant ...
Saucywan7mo ago
You have to fully close riot client first
xLeYoUsSeFOP7mo ago
Saucywan7mo ago
I was telling you how to reinstall valorant
VANGUARD Main7mo ago
This is an issue with files loading off of your disk. You might have a HDD. If you do, you should defragment it or get an SSD and place Valorant on it. Use windows key + r than type "dfrgui" to check what type of drive you have. Learn how to defragment:
Solid State Drives (SSD) and Hard Disk Drives (HDD) are data storage devices. SSDs are usually much smaller, thinner, and offer more storage volume, speed, and efficiency compared to HDDs.
Saucywan7mo ago
You have to close the riot client first before you can uninstall Read the thing above for more information about loading
xLeYoUsSeFOP7mo ago
i have limited net so i cant reinstall it my limited net will be 300GB/300GB valorant 70gb why will i reinstall it

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