VALORANTā€¢12mo ago

sbmm in unrated?

im sure all of you have experience playing unrated and being queued up with fucking diamond or even plat players, being new to tyhe game and playing unrated is impossible now keeping in mind the amount of smurfs and high ranked players. Riot fucking do smthing or youre game is eventually gonna die cuz of the amount of smurfs, its legit unplayable.. every game theres a fcuking smurf. This game is gonna fucking die if nothing is done
22 Replies
JSNā€¢12mo ago
Nah they just put whoever with whoever
meā€¢12mo ago
They They'd use sbmm in unrated, but there're no requirements to join unrated queue. Also to allow people to play with their friends, there's no max skill disparity in unrated. These two qualities of unrated queue can lead to unbalanced lobbies a lot of the time. Ur best way to get balanced lobbies is to play competitive queue or to play in a premade.
pixelOPā€¢12mo ago
thats why i said that we need it
Aesphoā€¢12mo ago
Smurfs arent a thing in unrated Its unrated Iron-radiant
pixelOPā€¢12mo ago
oh please i have level 2 opponents who are smurfs im not šŸ’€
Aesphoā€¢12mo ago
Even if they were on their mains, they could q into u on the unrated
pixelOPā€¢12mo ago
which is total bullshit
Aesphoā€¢12mo ago
Its iron-radiant
pixelOPā€¢12mo ago
Aesphoā€¢12mo ago
Its a gamemode where ppl can play with their friends
pixelOPā€¢12mo ago
which is hell for new players and people who just wanna play something casual
Aesphoā€¢12mo ago
Just play ranked Swiftplay Spike rush Etc.
pixelOPā€¢12mo ago
or against no lifers who grind all day they're the same as unrated there is no sbmm in them either thats why unrated should be smbb
Aesphoā€¢12mo ago
Well then get good and shit on them or queue ranked
pixelOPā€¢12mo ago
the fact that its not is bs brother you dont understand šŸ™
Aesphoā€¢12mo ago
Ok what would u rather have me do, q on my immo acc with friends in unrated where nobody loses anything or go on a smurf in ranked to q with them where ppl do lose elo šŸ¤”
pixelOPā€¢12mo ago
make new friends? who are better? and are imm
Aesphoā€¢12mo ago
pixelOPā€¢12mo ago
jk šŸ’€
Aesphoā€¢12mo ago
But i hope u do realize even if sbmm was a thing, if someone like me were to q with an iron friend, ppl would still not have fun Its better than me smurfing in ranked and genuinely making ppl lose elo Yk what i mean, like I understand where ur coming from but its kinda the best thing they can do
bruhā€¢12mo ago
smurfing in unrated is it isnt really smurfing is it smurfing only occurs in ranked/competitive games also why tf have sbmm in unrated its fun to play against either literal bots or like diamond players
DayDreamā€¢12mo ago
well they do have a point there ( only there) / jk

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