VALORANT11mo ago

Valorant account hacked, no access to the initial email

I recently received an email saying my email was changed. And I did not change the email or anything and I lost access to my account. Which I already have my payment details attached. I don't have access to my 1st email where I created my valorant account. I do have transaction IDs and emails of the transaction I've done ,plus the login codes since I had 2fa . How do I recover my account. Ik I should be submitting a ticket but would I be able to recover without the 1st email
5 Replies
VANGUARD11mo ago
If you have forgotten your login credentials or your account has been compromised, you can try to recover your account by heading to the link below. Permanently banned or deleted accounts cannot be retrieved. Account Recovery: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046229573-Recover-Your-Account
ChanOP11mo ago
But what if i have no access to the email at all ? I only have access to the email I had before this got hacked + some Receipts like Transactions and login codes
Jasuki11mo ago
If you know the name of the previous gmail then its fine. You can put the name of previous emails uve used in the account and say or not if u have acesss to the gmail itself About the transcations ID if you don't have any form of that then it'd be very hard to get the ID 🤷‍♂️
ChanOP11mo ago
Yeah I gave up on it I'm making a new acc from scratch no skins no nothin better that way
Achilles11mo ago
My acc just got hacked few hours ago as my friend tried a spin a wheel scam using my acc and even the email got changed with 2FA on. they completely changed the email i ususally use and all creds. How do I recover my acc

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