ive searched so many tutorials on youtube but they all say to uninstall and then install vanguard but i dont even have vanguard can anyone help

45 Replies
Are you connected to a vpn?
no just to my wifi
this is the first time this happened
Have you played the game recently?
i play like everyday but i couldnt yesterday and today
I see
win+r, msinfo32, send a photo
okay 1 sec

Download autoruns:
Autoruns for Windows - Sysinternals
See what programs are configured to startup automatically when your system boots and you login.

wich one?
The third one
the 64a
The one above that
okay now

Press file then run as administrator
okay done
Then uncheck anything that is red or yellow
If it fails to be unchecked skip it
i unchecke
Make sure to uncheck everything
i thought only yellow or red
Everything that is yellow or red*
yes i did
ok restart your system and try the game again

still shows this 😦
You may need to press update a couple of times
it will show this then go back to showing that

You should keep on pressing it for a good minute
i did earlier today
Yes you should do it again

What antivirus are you using?
i have it turne off
So what antivirus are you using

Are you using an official version of windows?
yes i bought my laptop with windows
The part about your virus and throat production being managed by your organization is not by default
ye i turned that off so i could download things that were seen as virus but they werent
Have you made a ticket with riot because at this point I believe it has something to do with your network
Or it could be some modifications you made to operating system
i did but im just waiting for them to reply ngl