is this what's causing the VAL 62 Error?
thats more storage than my pc can hold xD

12 Replies
visual bug, it does this to nearly everyone
i believe mine said 42 tb before i reinstalled
ik its a bug but it wont let me uninstall
To uninstall please close riot client

In the bottom right of your taskbar
Find riot client

Right click it and press exit
i uninstalled the whole game and still does this shiii

im just tryna check my shop 😭
I see a lot of people currently getting this error code
I'll go ahead and see if this is a bug. One sec
I’m getting this too I’m gonna try to uninstall and reinstall rq
it was doing it last night since like 8pm too but I assumed it was just rolling out the new patch
didn’t work :(
yeah no its been happening to a lot of people last night idk why and idk how to fix it. its either me or just valorant and i dont know which one it is because i've done everything to fix it