
Valorant account can't login on windows 10 pc after logging in on windows 11 pc

Hi I was wondering if there is a fix for this here since riot support hasn't replied yet. So, basically I am playing on my windows 11 pc on my main account and when I tried to play on a local computer shop which had windows 10 pc I can't seem to login on their pc it shows the error that it needs the secure boot and tpm 2.0 enabled. Yes, I do get that but when I used the account of my friend on that same pc, it doesn't show any error. I've also asked my friends that have windows 10 pc on their homes to try logging in on my account and it shows the same error while they can safely login on their pc using their own account with no error.
16 Replies
Korl3mo ago
I've also tried playing 1 game on my friends' account on my windows 11 pc and after that he can't login using his account on his pc which is windows 10.
jidat3mo ago
So the tpm 2.0 and secure boot restrictions are account based. People usually get this restriction on windows 11. After u logged in on a win11 pc that made ur account to have secure boot and tpm enabled on that particular pc. U prob have secure boot and tpm 2.0 enabled on the win11 pc. U need to enable them on ur win10 pc/laptop too. If u want help enabling them then Press win+r Type msinfo32 Show ss Also Press win+r Type tpm.msc Show ss
Korl3mo ago
It's account based now? damn... If I should've known maybe i wouldn't have upgraded to win 11
jidat3mo ago
It has always been account based
Korl3mo ago
but why do I have a friend who has win 11 and works on a win 10 pc his account works on a win 10 pc*
jidat3mo ago
They prob have secure boot and tpm enabled
Korl3mo ago
no I mean on the same pc that my account had error on. his account works on it and his own pc from his house has win 11 on it and it works on win 10 pc the same win 10 pc that i tried to login my account with and it shows an error on mine but on his account there is no error
jidat3mo ago
Are u on the win 10 pc rn? Lemme see if u can enable secure boot and tpm 2.0
Korl3mo ago
Nah we only tried it on a local computer shop win 10 pc i am on a win 11 pc rn
jidat3mo ago
So u don't wanna run it on a win10 pc?
Korl3mo ago
I want to but I was just curious why only my account doesn't work and the account of my friend works :/
jidat3mo ago
Cuz it has a restriction And the pc MUST have secure boot and tpm 2.0 enabled
Korl3mo ago
No, I mean it doesn't have secure boot and tpm 2.0 enabled on that pc since my account doesn't work on it. BUT the other account that my friend uses works on it and he came from a win 11 pc.
jidat3mo ago
Not all accounts have the restrictions Even on win11 It just depends on the trust factor of ur account How the trust factor works? I have no fucking idea.
Korl3mo ago
mmm okay Well, I'll just wait for the riot support to reply I guess. Thanks anyways.
jidat3mo ago
They will just ask u to enable secure boot and tpm 2.0 on that pc