Account Locked
Hello all,
My account got locked on saturday and i have got no reasoning on why it is locked, i play normally on weeekends so that's when i saw it is locked. I already created a ticket with riot support but no one is even acknowledging that ticket. Can someone please suggest what to do?

7 Replies
@GenZ (walking ult orb) Sorry for disturbing you, can you please help and suggest what can I do?
support is your only chance to unban
I opened ticket but no one is replying on that too
if noone - not even the blitzcrank bot - replied, i´d suggest opening a new one after like 3-5 days
Its been like 3 days and not even the bot has replied, do you suggest i should wait more or open another one? I know spamming won't help anyways but I really want my account back, its the only one I have and only one that i can play on
wait like 2 more days and if still noone replied just open a new one