VALORANT10mo ago

screen tearing on curved monitor

i have an lg curved monitor and ive always been able to bypass this by duplicating my laptop screen and pc screen. now my laptop screen is ruined because of this and no v sync/driver update can help this issue
1 Reply
Support Agent
Support Agent10mo ago
Screen tearing can be frustrating, especially with a setup like yours. Here are a few suggestions that might help: 1. Check Monitor Settings: Make sure the refresh rate of your monitor matches the settings in Windows and VALORANT. 2. Enable V-Sync in GPU Control Panel: Often V-Sync options in the game are not sufficient. Try enabling V-Sync through your graphics card's control panel (NVIDIA Control Panel or AMD Radeon Settings). 3. G-Sync/FreeSync: If your monitor supports G-Sync (NVIDIA) or FreeSync (AMD), enable these options in the monitor settings and the GPU control panel. 4. Lower Graphics Settings: Sometimes reducing the graphics settings in VALORANT could reduce or eliminate screen tearing. 5. Update or Rollback Drivers: You mentioned driver updates; sometimes, the latest drivers cause issues. Try rolling back to a previous stable driver version. 6. External Tools: Tools like RivaTuner can help cap the frame rate to your monitor’s refresh rate which can reduce tearing. If none of these solutions work, you might want to check out the Riot Games support or submit a ticket for in-depth assistance: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us
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