Packet loss issue on a stable internet.
I am having stable internet(80+ mbps up and 80mbps down) but my packet loss is abnormally high(30-40%, sometimes 100%). The ping stays stable even when the packetloss is jumping around. It sometimes fixes itself off of a router restart, sometimes it doesn't, when it does get fixed, it stays fine for the rest of the game.
Already using a DNS(tried 2) and already on a wired connection as well.
I also tried testing on packetloss (dot) net when I was facing issues in game, no problem there, just in game.
I already did the basic troubleshooting asked to be done on Valorant official site(
I had this issue for a couple of games in a row just now, both times I restarted the router until the issue went away(once the first time, twice the second time around)
58 Replies
@Talonted Gamer
I tried using Mudfish as well(service similar to exitlag), no use.
So, I went into range, had the issue that time, left and went in again, issue still persisting. So left and joined again, then it was fine, tried a few more times, was okay.
The issue is soo weird.
what is your isp
servers you play on
contry you live in/play from
isp: telia
severs: london
contry: sweden
BSNL(Kinda infamous, but it's been the best for me)
Mumbai only recently, since Singapore routing got fked.
Same problem and I'm also on BSNL, Mumbai server is f'ed lots of packet loss but my Sg server works fine. Must be the server issue if it was internet issue then sg server maay v packet loss ataa. Did you fix it btw ?
could be ur settings
hace you tried updating all your drivers?
No not fixed yet, maybe it's just an issue from BSNL side. Will try SG server.
What settings?
I doubt that's the problem, I am on stable drivers for both cpu and GPU.
But will give it a go
@Kamikaze @Gasu What ISP?
oh ok
Could be a downstream issue with the ISP routing for Valorant
can you run this command in cmd?
Can both of you type
(tracert > "%USERPROFILE%\desktop\Tracert.txt"
Into CMD
idk i have bad wifi but get nearly 0 packet loss
Will do
Nah, it's not any basic settings that's holding my internet back. 😢
btw what ip is this?
Will do.
I took this when I facing no issues in game tho, will try and take it again when I am actually facing the issue.

could you tell me these :
isp :
BSNL wont fix it until you pull up request to New delhi office :val_KekwSob:
gormint ISP bro
remove spaces then put this command and send ss
@Gasu @Kamikaze
youll have to mail them now
your game stutters?
like ur fps is dropping suddenly?
you can also try this :
open command prompt as administrator and type these commands in order one after another.
reboot the router wait for it to get connected to internet then reboot the pc
did that happens?
yep thats too a issue you can rollback to april 4 update if you have Nvidia card
i dont wanna talk abt nvidia issue rn
hv this person tried reinstalling their vanguard
how does that fix?
idk how but it worked for me
i got this stutters issue recently
its unbearable ur fps just randomly drops from 120 to 30
then u get a packet loss
your ping also spiking up
then it went back to normal
FPS is frames per second thats GPU issue
it is not.
buddy i tried it
i cant explain sadly
yeah did you add it to firewall ?
reinstalling vanguard cant harm you so why not give it a try
that didnt fix it ?
always whitelist my val and vanguard
also riot client
hmm good
also i reset my network
that fixed your ping
one thing that i noticed
is that
i used dns also dns before
that shi is giving me ping spikes
rn i just use automated.
it depends some areas and isp which will improve the network
the cloudflare one doesnt work for me
tell this person to try all these stuff
i didnt tell him as others on his same ISP had issue
i might have read that one thread
Yeah tried reinstalling with admin priveleges a few days ago
This is my current issue.
Yesterday it was fine all day
today the issue's back
damn the packet loss is going crazy
which dns server r u using rn?
I tried Google,cloud and the automated one like you said.
didnt work?
@Kenji-San Could you loon into it for me?
Dmed you as well, issue's still persisting.
@Gasu yo, I reached out to BSNL good few times for a possible solution but they havnt come back to me yet unfortunately :val_KekwSob:
BSNL behaving as expected.
BTW are there any ISPs in Kerala which are optimized for Valo?
Generally safest you can go is the biggest provider, as the more impacted people are the more complains they get and they are forced to fix stuff, small ISPs tend to be more relaxed towards enduser problems with certain websites / games / apps etc. Just my 5 cents nobody is perfect
I have pretty much tried all available ISPs here, need some more ISPs to get here.