Created by Gasu on 5/29/2024 in #community-help
Packet loss issue on a stable internet.
Hi, I am having stable internet(80+ mbps up and 80mbps down) but my packet loss is abnormally high(30-40%, sometimes 100%). The ping stays stable even when the packetloss is jumping around. It sometimes fixes itself off of a router restart, sometimes it doesn't, when it does get fixed, it stays fine for the rest of the game. Already using a DNS(tried 2) and already on a wired connection as well. I also tried testing on packetloss (dot) net when I was facing issues in game, no problem there, just in game. I already did the basic troubleshooting asked to be done on Valorant official site( I had this issue for a couple of games in a row just now, both times I restarted the router until the issue went away(once the first time, twice the second time around)
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