VALORANT NOT launching After pressed "Play"
I wanted to play Valorant So I downloaded It with a old installer and then when i Installed it, a popup to update it to the newest version came, after I did it I pressed "Play" and it didnt popup and showed a compatibility error and then after I fixed it, I still wasnt able to play the game, I tried reinstalling Valorant and restarting the vgc service LIKE EVERYTHING on youtube STILL it wasnt fixed
209 Replies
someone help please
What was the compatibility error?
Was it secure boot?
it just showed it was an compatibility error so i fixed it by right clicking valorant icon and properties then removed all compatibility settings
Open ur riot games folder
Then valorant/live/shootergame/binaries/win64 and open valorant win64 shipping
Show the error if it gives u any

see this
what should i do next
Right click on valorant win64 shipping
Show ss

Uncheck that
Try to open valorant win64 shipping again
still shows

Show the full thing please

The whole thing.
The letter before riot games
its the c drive
c disk
its the c drive
Open cmd (Command Propmt) as admin and enter:
icacls "C:\Riot Games\VALORANT" /grant Users:F /t /c
Show result afterwardssec
can u tell me what that command does
Gives ur user all the perms required to open valorant

Show what u wrote
Yeah thought so
i did something
it showed something
it processed alot of files
Show the last few lines
Successfully processed 1165 files; Failed processing 0 files
it says
Try to open valorant win64 shipping again

still it shows like that
Restart ur pc
is it the problem that i dont have windows activated cause its pirated or something
Also windows are not pirated
Windows is free
alright dont mark this as solved i'll be there
For evryone to download
Why would i do that lol
alr mb
still the same

Open riot games folder
Then valorant
Then live
Right click on valorant.exe
Show ss

Open valorant.exe

i dont think its gonna be that easy I need to have a moderator or admin i think
What they gon do about it?
idk maybe tell me some ways to fix?
i have other games installed on my pc and it works fine its just valorant giving me issues
They will just refer u to support
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
They will do this and go on with their day
i made a request and no one replied and its 24 hours before
do u have anything else that would work?
Takes 1-5 days to get a reply
Alot of shit
tell me
Run compatibility troubleshooter

Recommended settings
mine is windows 10 but it is showing 8

what to next
Test the program
Then next

Yes save these settings

what to next now
restart or anything else?
Open valorant.exe

still shows that OOF
Do the same stuff for valorant win64 shipping

Cuz we ain't done yet

Close the troubleshooter
thanks again jidat ur doing big help
Open valorant win64 shipping
still the same
Right click on valorant win64 shipping
still the same error
Some boxes should be checked there
Show which ones are checked

Change settings for all users
Uncheck every box
Uncheck anything if its still checked
apply is not showing so should i just click ok

Do the same for valorant.exe in the live folder
alr did
Then try to launch valorant win64 shipping again
If it doesn't launch restart ur pc
it isnt launching so i will restart my pc
jidat its still not working
still the same error
this one
Are u using an admin account?
where to check that
U will need to reinstall the game
yea i did
it shows i am an admin
Our way
Uninstall vanguard,valorant then riot client
Install a new installer from the official site
Download it all in ur C drive
i did
Can u see the valorant shortcut on ur desktop?
Right click on it
Show ss

like a day ago
i reinstalled it
Show ss
no boxes are checked

except the compatility mode thingy

Uncheck it
alr done
Its not checked for valorant win64 shipping too right?
again man thank you for dedicating 45 mins of your life to make a random user's valorant experience better 😄
Its my whole thing tbh
yea in the win shipping thingy it was enabled i unchecked it
Now try to open valorant win64 shipping
valorant popped up for a second and then it got closed @jidat
valorant says to restart so imma do it
jidat it still isnt doing anything
What error is it giving now?
naah it wasnt showing any error
Are u trying to open through riot client?
Does the play button stay greyed out or it becomes pink after u press play?
it becomes gray once i press it and then the riot client minimizes and then the riot client pops up again and the button becomes pink again
Open task manager
Then details
Close evry valorant,riot client and vanguard related apps/services
Open control panel
Uninstall programs
Uninstall riot vanguard
Open cmd as admin and type these commands:-
1) sc delete vgc
2)sc delete vgk
Navigate to ur C drive then program files and find vanguard folder and delete it.
Then open riot client and click update
Restart ur pc after the update.
Any updates?
I am the dude's alt
Uh huh
this happened after i did stuff and restarted and i cant update

Just spam click
now i cant play AHHH

oops replied to wrong thing
Have you done the thing with auto runs?
whats that
Ok so
Whats the issue rn?
like still
its not launching
Open valorant win64 shipping
Saucy said to install autoruns which i did and checked EVERYTHING RELATED TO VALORANT
its still not working
U also had to uncheck everything thats in yellow and red

lemme send you what i have checked first

i checked all these 3
Uh huh
it failed to disable some things

and these

@jidat u here?
Yeah leave those
yeah except that i did everything i could
WinShipping 64 is not accessible STILL
Show the error its giving u
same one

@jidat another dude is having the same problem as me
A lot of em are
Right click on valorant win64 shipping
yea but my problem is more deep than iceberg
Show ss

Do the same for valorant.exe in the live folder
Also the valorant shortcut on ur desktop

of valorant.exe
of val shortcut

Check run this program as an administrator for all 3 of em
Never thought i would say this
At this point it doesn't look like it has a single fix
We try every single fucking thing
why does the pikachu not come out of the pokeball
Its like 3 AM for him rn
3 PM for me rn
total opposite timezones THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT
is there any other support dude
wait should i try running valorant from steam
U have it downloaded on steam?
uh nope
like i run it from steam
Never tried that
Never even seen anyone add val on stream
nope doesnt work
oh btw
what are those sc query vgc command

when u do sc query vgc command
Its to check if vanguard is running or not
vanguard stopped?!?!
Thats vgc
It only runs when u open the game
The actual thing is vgk
kernel is going on fine
Which is the actual kernel driver

Yeah thats good
i did
i runned the shortcut and it was fine and the winshipping and valorant,exe in the folder were not running
same thingy showing up
Restart ur pc
Uncheck run as admin for all
Open riot client
Launch val
wdym uncheck run as admin for all
jidat u there?
Didn't u check them?
When i said that?
oh yea i did
but what do u mean UNCHECK it
Uncheck it means uncheck it?
U checked the boxes when i told u to
Now uncheck them
yes i unchecked them
Is that guy playing skyrim..
Goated game ngl
thats a girl btw
grandma to be particular
Who cares
sigh i don't wanna do this rn
Imma go on a break
is this a "I am gonna go get milk real quick" situation
this is the second time i am facing this issue,
last time windows update worked. this time didnt. i also tried till autoruns
did u get a solution @IGETLOTSOFPOSSIES
this is super annoying
@IGETLOTSOFPOSSIES please provide the error you were getting
It seems like Vanguard is crashing
We are going to have to do a clean boot
After checked everything related to valorant in autoruns and tried to load it up, It wasnt launching and same shit was there
@Saucywan ???
Please make your own post
Did should i ping you in that one
Wait bro
This is my alt's post
Its me