val forces itself into 1440 x 1080 everytime i tab into the game

I open val and it forces itself into 1440 x 1080 with black bars and then i change it and its all good but when i tab out and tab back in it forces itself back into 1440 x 1080 any help would be really appreciated
5 Replies
poyverse11mo ago
whats the fill n is it fill or letterbox and since its 1440 x 1080 its a custom resolutino so u may need to go to mvidia control panel and check ur settings when u made that resolution
PpouncedOP10mo ago
Its on letterbox but when i change it fill tab out and tab back in it automatically changes it to letterbox Ive also tried changing my resolution in nvidia control panel everythings good there i checked the config files and its stuck on 1440 x 1080 and everytime i change the file and put it on read only it changes it anyway @dylizisverynice
poyverse10mo ago
have you changed any game files or any of the resolution settings or nvidia control panel settings? if nothing works please create a ticket
PpouncedOP10mo ago
I changed the game files ages ago tried changing them back and they wont change Tried deleting riot and val completely off my pc and redownloading it that didnt work either
poyverse10mo ago
please just open a ticket

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