van: RESTRICTED error
My motherboard doesn’t support tpm 2.0 and i got this error that cant be fixed using my 2012 motherboard. Some1 help me. I have updated windows 10 and boot security enabled but i DONT HAVE support to 2.0 :msp_sad:

11 Replies
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss
Press win+r
Type tpm.msc
Show ss
Ina sec
@jidat are u there


@jidat yoo
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
Make a ticket with support
Tell them ur pc doesn't support tpm 2.0
Show them ur msinfo32 and tpm.msc
Ask them to lift the restriction.
I can ping some1 in this channel?
Like an
Or something
No one currently here can help
As he said, please make a ticket with the riot and ask them to appeal the restriction placement