tpm 2.0 and secure boot issue
I played valorant for like a month straight without an issue and it all worked. I was able to play until update 8.07 which came out last. When I load the game it says I need these but im on windows 10 which I think im not meant to get these issues. I have gone back and forth with riot because I made an actual ticket but nothing they have sent has worked. I want to point out my pc is kinda crap and I can’t get tpm 2.0 or secure boot on
39 Replies
i have the same problem
Bro I have messaged riot for 3 days and they sent me a bunch of stuff and just didn’t work once😭
I've had this for 6 days 💀
I have had since the update
I just bought the ion vandal the day before😭

bro mine just says tpm 2.0 and secure boot so I can’t play but I could play before😭
I actually need a break from Valorant
Bro I suck
I was gonna grind because I have only played for like a month properly😭
win+r, msinfo32, send a photo
mb didn’t check discord I’ll send in 5 minutes

my pc kinda ass
Yeah, you’re fucked
So why could I play valorant for like a month and play before that😭
I already know not even riot said they could help there contacting there anti cheat team
Update ur bios
As of u
Yeah u r fucked
Going back to cs 😭
So why could I play for a month straight aswell I played like a year ago and quit
The restriction is not imposed on every account the moment they are made
It depends upon some factors
So ur account just got the restriction late
i have the same problem on 4accounts

So I spent money for nothing😭
too, my account was worth $2k
Update ur bios
I told u alrdy
did that, still happening
I did it
still not working
Val was working just fine 9 hrs ago
well, and the series on getting immortal will not end this month );
@jidat do you think it would work normally on another computer?
It should yeah
But before u do any of that
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss
yes, I did everything

got my issue fixed🙏
riot did it
idk how
i also gettin tat error
Please make your own post