Anyone know how to fix this?
I’ve been having these mouse issues ever since I tried turning off controller settings for Valorant and when I did that it caused these issues I can not seem to find solutions anywhere and it affects the whole system wide and the only semi solution doesn’t fully fix the problem but is to unit all Valorant on computer and have not a single file of Valorant on computer but everytime I move mouse on computer it’s so hard to control like it feels like mouse acceratioj is turned on cuz it is ok Valorant under controller settings.
I’m tryna get Valorant to stop thinking mice are controllers and using controller inputs as mouse inputs
Idk if you know how to fix this but it ruins everything like if I enable controller inputs on steam Whig is enabled by default any settings I adjust that are controller settings weather that’s in steams launcher or in the actual game inself and this goes for any game with controller settings it affects the mouse movement and feel and will add mouse acceleration making me not able to move mouse accurately cuz controllers use acceleration to compensate for not able to move like a mouse and only got joysticks
But this is what I was talking about. Something with these settings and I can never figure out what it is the game I put settings and game service settings
And idk if having a controller connected to computer when touching those right and left analog settings in valorant is what caused it but I had a Logitech g923 racing wheel connected when I inevitabley touched the values cuz I was tryna set them all to 0 not realizing you can’t set to 0 cuz the lowest they go is 1 or 20
And it still adds mouse acceleration and mouse and cursor never goes where I move it to
And no matter what I change the right analog rotation speed and max speed multiplier to Valorant it affects how mouse feels and stays that way on the entire desktop and affects every other game I play other than Valorant and affects system wide and I havnt been able to find solution to fix this. if I change the x rotation speed it makes x axis faster than y axis vice versa and the max speed multiplier makes everything move faster or slower depending if i put to 1-5
And it kind of helped a little turning off and on game input stuff in services but ever since I touched this cuz I thought I was just disabling it it made things only worse and now I can’t go back to everything feelin snappy and accurate
Just feels really hard to move and aim and click on things on desktop
I already tried contacting riot games about this and they couldn’t fix this at all all they said to do was delete config for Valorant reset game files and press reset to default for game settings but that never fixed anything and now when I move in game horizontal movements are faster than vertical movements making it hard to hit shots and everything in game I do feels delayed.
26 Replies
For some reason changing controller settings on Valorant is making mouse in game act like a controller when these are all controller input settings and changing them should only affect controller making mouse seem like a controller on windows and Valorant thinking to apply these new settings changed to mouse when it shouldn’t be.
And everything feels delayed when I press keyboard inputs when I push to talk in game it takes a few seconds before my name pops up when I’m pushing to talk and then after the few seconds is up push to talk starts recognizing my voice and I can talk and when I move in game with keyboard it takes a few seconds before character registers movement it’s not instant like how it used to be before I touched any of these stuff. Idk why they added it in the first place if it’s just gonna cause issues but I also don’t know if this could be caused cuz when I did touch those stuff I also had a wooting60he connected into computer along with the Logitech g923 and both take controller inputs as the Logitech g923 is a racing wheel controller and the wooting60he is a Hall effect keyboard which uses controller inputs for double movement in game and counter strafing faster in game and registering inputs faster in game.

i aint reading all at
@pesky ☆ you read it now?
Yeah thats what i meant..
@jidat I @ @Saucywan
You said he knows how to fix this
I said to contact support
And never confirmed for a 100% he knows
I haven't even read it yet
It's too much :Sage_Cry:
You most likely have a driver installed on your computer
So to sum it down
Their mouse feels choppy and irresponsive when vanguard is installed and running
Please remove any drivers having to do with the thing you plugged into your computer
Also you may want to reinstall your mouse drivers to forcefully reset the settings
If this is happening on your desktop it has nothing to do with the game
Vanguard does not control mouse input only blocks it if it detects multiple inputs
When you run valorant make sure you weren't using a multiple mouses or other input devices
simply do this settings

or get a screwdriver and disassemble the mouse then clean the sensor and clean the lens if something is blocking it

*alcohol recommended : [Isopropyl alcohol]
Ah yes, vanguard put some dust on the sensor
Hate when that happens
Okay I’ll try that too
How do I know if I have a driver that is causing this on computer?
I reset my computer about 5 times this month and a lot more the past 2 years
I just reset my computer 2 days ago too
What drivers should I be lookin for? @Saucywan
So like don’t have a controller plugged into computer and only have one mouse and keyboard plugged into computer when running Valorant?
And why does Valorant not let you use multiple mice at once it’s the only game that doesn’t allow that but every other game I run does like any game on Steam like Rianbow Six Siege Apex Legends Fortnite Rocket League PUBG etc…
Idk why but disabling this vanguard tray notification on startup really helped out a lot and made things feel better on mouse and it feels a lot better the inputs and things feel closer to how it felt in the past before I touched the controller setting than how they do with it on

idk why having it off makes a difference but I can most certainly feel a difference and it's better but no where near perfect and back to hwo it used to be
Use revo for vanguard again
You want me to uninstall vanguard again?
How do I play Valorant with the anti cheat system uninstalled?
You reinstall it
So I gotta keep vanguard uninstalled until I play valorant again and then reinstall it
And when I don’t play valorant keep vanguard uninstalled
When I do play Valorant reinstall vanguard then uninstall it again after stop playing it?
No just uninstall it once?
Ok I already did that 2 days ago do I do it again?
Okay I just reinstalled Vanguard now what?