American account being Brazilian
Hello, I'm Brazilian and I want to play on the NA server, can anyone help me by creating an account on the NA continent and sending me your access?
16 Replies
Use a VPN and create another account while the VPN is active
I've tried every VPN, my friend, and it doesn't work
I accidentally clicked on solved
se vc abrir um ticket de suporte deles vc consegue pedir pra mudarem a regiao da sua conta
Em qualquer conta?
acho q sim
fala q vc se mudou ou alguma coisa do tipo
precisa de comprovação?
não sei te informar
This appears when I use a VPN

ask someone from na to make you an account(and then change the password etc) use vpn, or create br account then ask riot to chanfe the region
I don't know any Americans, and when I did this in the general chat on this server, I received a warning from a moderator forbidding me from doing so. Regarding the VPN, I have used them all and among the only ways to modify the region via support, the error above is presented.
then find someone random or literally do the ticket one(u dont need to use vpn when sending ticket)
Account sharing is against tos
no one cares about that
Apparently the mods here do
it doesnt mstter if its just for someone making u an account
he spammed every chat prob why he got warned