Can someone help me i cant refund the Eternal Blade, i bought it yesterday used it on the range only and didnt upgrade but i cant refund. I know its possible cuz my friend who bought it too could refund it last week

10 Replies
You can only refund a skin which you didnt upgrade AND didnt use. Once you enter any loading screen, the skin is used. So even the range
Bro my friend literally used it on the range and refunded it right after
it is possible to use the one-time-exception for it. (or at least WAS - but they recently changed something and a bot is answering tickets for some reason, so idk about that anymore)
I sent like 3 tickets and all of them were answered by a bot
Anyways thx for the help
im gon need some of that 320 radianite
lol i got like 5 skins in my acc
i have 3 skins that are unupgraded bc i have no radianitew
thats why i got so many radianite
the radianite struggle is real