Valorant Suspension

My Account got permanently suspended by Riot Games and the reason I'm given is having illegal third party softwares. The only softwares i have on my laptop are raw accel, Medal and Valorant tracker. On the day I got the suspension i was on a class trip to Berlin. I went to a PC cafe and there i tried to play valorant on a PC the first one i got was IP banned and i didnt know that yet so i pressed start and the screen popped up of it being unable to play Valorant. The second PC i found i couldnt change the language of the game i changed it to english but it was still vietnamese i believe. I was able to queue a swiftplay and lock in my agent but as i loaded into the game we had to quit valorant because for some reason we werent allowed to play val on their PCs cuz it was for 12 y/o and on those PCs they have val installed. So we just left and spend our free time differently. Later in the day when i was back at the youth hostel my girlfriend tried to play on my acc but she saw that my account was permanently suspended for using third party softwares. I was confused because my friend, who was in the same PC cafe with me and played on a different PC, didnt get suspended. I logged into my account on my laptop i brought with me and checked to see if i was actually banned and I saw that my account was permanently suspended. I didnt play any games on that day only the one i was afk in where i had to leave. I sent riot games a ticket and the first answer I've gotten is just a bot telling me that they will look into it and reply again if they will change something about it. They didnt reply in 3-4 days so i checked the ticket and it was solved so i assumed they just went over it and just solved it. I sent them another ticket and in that one i was asking them to check the IP addresses of the devices i logged in. Ofc the reply I got has nothing to do with my actual request and he just said that they already finished my problem in the first ticket. i sent two more. Can some1 help
84 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent10mo ago
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It sounds frustrating, but here are a few steps to help you move forward: 1. Gather Evidence: Document your actions around the incident, such as your trip details, use of the PC café, and any screenshots or logs from the ticket responses.
2. New Tickets: When submitting another ticket, be clear and concise. State your issue, the steps you have taken, and request a thorough investigation of your account activities, specifically IP logs. 3. Avoid Multiple Tickets: Submitting multiple tickets on the same issue can sometimes lead to delays. Wait for a response from Riot’s support team. 4. Check for Unauthorized Access: Ensure that your account wasn't compromised. Monitor for any suspicious activity that might have occurred without your knowledge. 5. Community Support: Sometimes posting your issue on forums or social media (like Reddit) where Riot Games staff or experienced players can provide additional advice or visibility might help. 6. Appeals Process: Follow up on the initial ticket, referencing previous ticket numbers to create a clear thread for Riot Support to review. If this doesn’t resolve, you might have to await further responses from Riot, as they sometimes require additional time to investigate.
I am an AI and I can make mistakes, please verify my answer. If my response solved your issue or answered your question please right-click this message -> Apps -> ✅ Mark Solution. Thank you!
Geniux10mo ago
Your original ban appeal ticket was closed, meaning that they have reviewed your case but decided not to lift the ban. More tickets wont help
but why wouldnt they give a further reason for my suspension without ever getting one before wouldnt a few days be more than enough? also another thing my friend didnt get banned but i did so is the difference between us just me logging into an IP banned PC is that the reason why im the only one getting banned for not knowing that the PC was banned
Geniux10mo ago
they can ban your account at every given time for 3rd party software. those can be normal apps (maybe even falsebans then) or actual cheats or similar. If they closed your ticket they reviewed it the pc was originally banned from valorant because of suspicious software. if the seller didnt tell it to you, they are pretty much responsible for it. kinda unlucky, but maybe you have proof that you just bought the pc? would help proving your innocence
i didnt buy it it was like a gaming zone where u could just walk into if you were over 12 so idk i sent them the link of the place and the adresse too
Geniux10mo ago
ah it was an internet cafe
yes yes
Geniux10mo ago
people are regularly banned for that, i dont think theres anything you can do :Pepethink: @Saucywan you know if theres anything to do?
i didnt know that people could be banned for that cuz my girlfriend also played in an internet cafe in turkey so i thought it was safe
Saucywan10mo ago
It’s a difficult case According to what you have said, there’s a lot of different reasons for the potential ban A permanent suspension could mean that someone played on your account and had some software running in the background that were detected as cheats
i know and ive been asking them since the second ticket for a more define reason
Saucywan10mo ago
It also could mean that may be you logged into too many account or one of the software on one of the computers you played on had a software that was detected as cheats
that couldnt have happened cuz i logged out of my account
Saucywan10mo ago
Your account could’ve just got simply hacked or there could’ve been a key logger on the computer
maybe on the IP banned computer there was something but i couldnt have known that
Saucywan10mo ago
Assuming or trying to figure out what the reason is as pointless at this time. If your appeal was closed, it means that it was manually reviewed. And they decided that there was a lack of evidence supporting your case that it was false How many tickets have you created?
Saucywan10mo ago
Yeah, I wouldn’t submit anymore
VANGUARD Main10mo ago
:valExclamation: The error code VAN 152 indicates a hardware ID ban. This ban typically lasts around 4 months. You can appeal and discuss your ban on the official support page by using the link below. Submit a support ticket here:
Saucywan10mo ago
The ban normally lasts around four months But your account is suspended forever
so i wont get my acc back
Saucywan10mo ago
Correct. Sadly, there’s no one that can help you. And it is extremely horrible that false bans happen. And I understand what you are feeling losing an account that you spend money or even just your time on is horrible especially when you know you didn’t do anything wrong or at least you didn’t purposely do anything wrong.
ah okay thank you tho are you only a dc tech support or do u actually work for riot games too
Saucywan10mo ago
Only dc But nobody, inside of the server has the authority to unban people The people that do that are part of the player support team that work for riot, and none of those people are in the server
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenix10mo ago
I have a theory... is discord causing these bans? technically, it is also a 3rd party software which can detect when the game is running
Saucywan10mo ago
No discord is fine
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenix10mo ago
:val_Sus: since many people who have been banned have been using discord
Saucywan10mo ago
I’m pretty sure everyone on Valorant not banned or banned uses discord
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenix10mo ago
hmm... its just a theory... btw i wasnt using discord at first tbh
declannn10mo ago
saucywan u helped me get my account when it was hacked but uh im perm banned from valorant now cause the dude that hacked me used third party services can i get my account unbanned or is it impossible
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenix10mo ago
declannn10mo ago
Saucywan10mo ago
Have you made a ban appeal ticket
declannn10mo ago
Saucywan10mo ago
Have you received a response?
declannn10mo ago
yes it said t his
declannn10mo ago
No description
declannn10mo ago
i feel like i didnt explain alot though so idk
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenix10mo ago
i dont think anyone on this server can unban u
declannn10mo ago
i mean like is it possible to be unbanned cause idk what the response really gives that out or not
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenix10mo ago
it is possible but not by us... only by riot
declannn10mo ago
i mean like the email might say its not and i dont really understand
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenix10mo ago
tbh... of all the random false bans i have seen, riot just does'nt help
declannn10mo ago
yeah lowkey i mean i only spent like 80 dollars on it but
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenix10mo ago
even if we did nothing
declannn10mo ago
i had all my favorite skins 😭
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenix10mo ago
Saucywan10mo ago
How many tickets total have you made?
declannn10mo ago
uhh i made 1 for that and 1 to get the account acctually back when i got hacked
Saucywan10mo ago
When were you hacked and when did you get your account back?
declannn10mo ago
i got my account back yesterday and
sleepy10mo ago
hii does anyone know why in EU london servers (i live in england) i lag so much and my ping is always spiking but when i play in central american server my ping is consistently at 90 and i dont lag at all lmao
declannn10mo ago
i have been hacked for awhile i think
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenix10mo ago
I feel that nowadays riot just isnt willing to help us players
declannn10mo ago
but i just got back into the game like 5 days ago] and thats when i noticed i was acctually banned or not banned hacked
Saucywan10mo ago
Make you own post please
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenix10mo ago
was it working then?
declannn10mo ago
yes it was the hacker that got my valorant perm banned
Saucywan10mo ago
Make a new ticket asking for a investigation to make sure that the ban detection was on your system and not the hackers
declannn10mo ago
what do i say in it
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenix10mo ago
were you able to play after you got your acc back?
sleepy10mo ago
declannn10mo ago
no thats when it was banned from valorant
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenix10mo ago
hmm... you shd try @Saucywan 's idea
declannn10mo ago
Can you investigate when my account was permanently banned from valorant, I wasn't able to access the account. Can you please check if the ban was from my system or the hackers system. is this good
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenix10mo ago
may help to know if the hacker got you banned or not
declannn10mo ago
Well if the hacker got my account banned I feel like they would let me get it back yk
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenix10mo ago
yeah... they shd, but who knows tbh
declannn10mo ago
Can you investigate when my account was permanently banned from valorant, I wasn't able to access the account. Can you please check if the ban was from my system or the hackers system. I'm certain the hacker got my account permanently banned from valorant and I hope when you see that I can get unbanned. is this better?
i didnt get mine back too
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenix10mo ago
declannn10mo ago
it might be a differnet situation cause my account got banned and when it was hacked in that period of time like 3-5 days is when it got banned from valorant @Sapphire Phoenix is this better Can you investigate when my account was permanently banned from valorant, I wasn't able to access the account. Can you please check if the ban was from my system or the hackers system. I'm certain the hacker got my account permanently banned from valorant and I hope when you see that I can get unbanned. I was able to play when I logged in the account but then the hacker kicked me out and completely changed everything.
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenix10mo ago
declannn10mo ago
ok i sent it tysm
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenix10mo ago
hope you get ur acc back 🙂 :Clove_Hearts:
i hope so too
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenix10mo ago
declannn9mo ago
ian get it back
declannn9mo ago
No description
clairos9mo ago
they are 99.999999% correct every time so you prob werent hacked
declannn9mo ago
i was he even bought skins on my account 😭
boop9mo ago
thats a bot response they didnt look at shit they still aint check shit if ur serious abt getting unbanned if ur truly false banned you need to send ur logs attatched and any other proof u can think of that mightve caused a flag in vanguard false bans happen alot but if u give up or say the wrong stuff u wont be unbanned just my take tho

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