exetremely low framerate since late 2023
I am running consistently low frames after replacing my laptop battery in late december 2023, and from now on instead of nice 100 fps, i now only have single digits
26 Replies
set ur resolution lower,turn all ur valorant graphic settings to the lowest ones possible,set ur power plan to the highest possible (search on yt how to set ur power plan to the maximum one)
also tell me what graphic card are you running on
ive had those settings for
3 years
i dont think graphic card matters
i dont have a high performance pwoer plan
i wanna know the software
i tried to install one

none of my val settings changed
no performance plan changes
just after battery change
single digit
do u have nvidia or amd
how 2 check
open nvidia geforce expierence

then click on the gray box on valorant

click this tool icon near the optimazation button

and set this slider most to the left and click apply

it helped me
did u do it?
hold on i was doing hw
sorry my heart
damn chill
if u want u cant share ur screen to me on dc
Im getting error code
what error code
can u send a screen shot?

reboot ur pc and uptade ur drivers i guess
u know how to update them ?
I laready restarted my pc
show me ur screen on dc