VALORANTβ€’10mo ago

Can i still refund my weapon skin?

I bought the wrong skin last night and went into practice, but I never used the weapon nor skin cuz i exited immediately after realizing I bought the wrong one. But now it’s not showing up in the refund thing
20 Replies
clairosβ€’10mo ago
If it was used in the range then it can't be refunded
VANGUARDβ€’10mo ago
Only unused in-game content and unused VP purchased within the last 14 days are eligible for a refund. In-game content counts as used once it's taken into a game: that means you've reached the loading screen of a match in any mode (including custom games or practice) with that content equipped. More information: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045674593-How-to-Request-a-Refund-VALORANT-Player-Support
Saucywanβ€’10mo ago
Faris Wheel
Faris Wheelβ€’10mo ago
damn bro.. i mean as long as its a decent skin yk? or beg riot 😭
t.chiiiOPβ€’10mo ago
would that even work 😭 even if i didnt use the weapon at all?
clairosβ€’10mo ago
t.chiiiOPβ€’10mo ago
aw ok ty πŸ₯²
NovikTFβ€’10mo ago
Write a support ticket, begging for a refund, I once did get a skin refunded that I upgraded and used for way more than 14 days. My ticket Hello! I would like to commend your skills in creating skins because when I saw the new phantom from the champions collection, I was amazed. I can't take my eyes off it, and those sounds! And here I bow to you with a request, I would like to return the RGX 11Z PRO FIREFLY because I cannot afford to purchase this beautiful skin. Yours sincerely, Name#0000 Response: Hello, Please familiarize yourself with the return conditions in VALORANT, which you can find HERE. As you can see, items that have been used, upgraded, or purchased more than 14 days ago are not eligible for returns. From what I can see, this skin has been used and has been upgraded. However, as a one-time exception, the return of this skin along with its upgrades has been processed by us. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us again. Best regards, JudgeGregg Player Support Specialist
clairosβ€’10mo ago
One time exception is gone, won't work
NovikTFβ€’10mo ago
That’s just stupid, riot is making everything to make sure that this game is not user friendly
clairosβ€’10mo ago
No, they are making you be responsible for your own money
NovikTFβ€’10mo ago
That’s exactly opposite of what they’re doing. Update after update they just release new skins instead of focusing on fixing and adding actual new things to the game. Irl or with normal skins economy you would easily be able to sell or trade ur stuff, which would actually learn you about responsibility.
clairosβ€’10mo ago
Every update they add something new other than a skin? Last update was 2 agent nerfs?
NovikTFβ€’10mo ago
Plus a new fucking skin collection
clairosβ€’10mo ago
Yeah, every 3 weeks Pretty normal Valorant has to make money someway or another Aka skins They'd be in debt if they didn't
NovikTFβ€’10mo ago
How can you defend them. There is plenty of games out there that are sustainable without skins or their skin prices are significantly lower. Even without skins riot would have enough sponsors to keep up. I am not saying that that can’t release new skins, just focus on updating the game more. Nerfing 2 agents per month is not an update
Saucywanβ€’10mo ago
This is a flawed argument. You are responsible for your money. If you buy some that is your decision, not riots. if you believe a skin is too expensive then don’t buy it.
yorumainβ€’10mo ago
imo it should be like fortnite where u have 3 refund tickets and 1 ticket resets every year
clairosβ€’10mo ago
Sponsors can not pay for salaries, employee wages, game uptime, etc The amount of money they get from sponsors is minimal to how much they get from their own game

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