false ban
So i got banned for "third party services" but all i had in the background was system explorer, overwolf (tracker and outplayed), amd software, opera gx, msi afterburner and logitech g hub. The only 2 reasons i could think of that may lead to a 3rd party ban would be because of the amount of minecraft mods i have or a network fix that i use with pstools and running pssuspend64 WerFault.exe in cmd. Anyone knows a way to fix this?

50 Replies
Same problem, only banned for mouse software.
thats actually crazy
did your software give you any unfair advantages?
no, it is used for illumination
thats even crazier wtf
Show me the message within riot client
ok one sec

i have logs for everything except riot client itself bc i uninstalled valorant and the client with revo
What is your riot ID?
oh and i have videos of me playing for like 5 days before the ban
+ the ban itself when it happened
dunno if thats useful
Were you inside of the game when you were banned
What mode were you playing?
comp 3 stack with guys i met the previous game
Thank you. One sec
If you succeed, I will be glad if you advise or help in any way!
so did you figure anything out?
only ticket
Yes, It looks like your ban was placed properly.
wtf but what software is it then
pssuspend64 WerFault. exe
You were not banned for that
then for what?
i never hacked or used anything 3rd party
my account doesnt have email login verification so someone else could have hacked on it?
happened to me too tried to contact support but i get the same freaking message from the same fucker blitzcrank bot
I don’t think so.
then why was i banned?? i never cheat in any games except minecraft??
i have a several problem
someone can help me'
I don't know why they banned me a day before, I mean today is 6/4 and they banned me until 5/4 for voice chat reasons and they banned me in the middle of a game which I had a stack so I don't understand the voice chat ban
can someone help me?
is urgen
open your own thread
What do you mean by that, sorry, I'm new to this channel.

Can someone help me with this bug
bro open your own channel dont clog up mine
you can make a new post in community help
That sometimes can be the case for a ban, it detected another hack client.
so is there anyways for me to revert this ban or is it joever for me?
no way if riot support said no.
'this is fucked
Flokie can do literally nothing, he isn't a riot employee.
Please do not ping flokie
i deleted it all g
i think im saying bye to valorant with this situation
i was banned too
i thought it was just me
Make a support ticket to appeal the ban. But do not make more then two.
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
yo same bro idk what happened i got banned for third party
i just came back after a year and a half break fro mvalorant just to see this
how tf could i have cheated and get a PERMA suspention when i wasn't even on the game. stupid ass anti cheat
Send me your riot id
@Saucywan same happened to me also can you check mine also? I’m using logitech wireless mouse. I have also posted for help