I bought the new kunai knife, and upgraded it , bnut after restarting the game i cant see the styles of the knife neither the animations

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Riot is working on a fix. To do that, they have temporarily disabled various effects/animations from skins. You will have to wait it out.
44 Replies
it is a new bug
will be patched soon
We are aware of a bug showing up in various skinlines that allows players to see the outline of the enemy team through walls. A hotfix for Mystbloom is being pushed out later today. While we work on fixes for the other skinlines, some levels on the following skins will be…
how soon...
probably in the following days
damn... i bought a skin that i cant use , thasss crazy, hope i get something back , thanks
i doubt that you will get anything back for not being able to change colours on a skin for 2 days
the weekend is comming up and im not going to use my skins for the reason i bought them, feels kinda stupid not getting rewarded for that but kay, they have compessated the players for smaller things
i have the same with imperium operator
yea theyr fixing it
even tho is gonna take some time
yeah i just thought its only mine problem but i see ppl have similars
honeslty il prob ending up refunding it and buy another skin
you cant refund bundles + the one time refund is not there anymore
also you dont have any chance of refunding an upgraded skin anymore, since this option isnt available anymore
@𝓕𝓲𝓰𝓾𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓷 ı have the same problem
ı cant see the styles too
and ıI know that it started after 9 oclock
give my vp back or fix this valorant
bro they will fix it just give them tiem
ok but ı have never experienced this problem
bro, be patient
youre not alone with this problem
they needed check every skin for every weapon to make gameplay fair
and they need to find why it was like that and the solution
its not that easy they cant just reprogrammed this everything in 2 mins its depens of very many things
idnt bought bundle

We are aware of a bug showing up in various skinlines that allows players to see the outline of the enemy team through walls. A hotfix for Mystbloom is being pushed out later today. While we work on fixes for the other skinlines, some levels on the following skins will be
magepunk, teh new bundle and iperium
but you upgraded and probably used in a match, so you cant refund anymore
i dont undesrtand how can this happen on 3 skins
didnt even get to play with it
its probably just the exact same effect but slightly visually changed
umm, no animation
its a default knife
whatever for you cause you didnt put 50 bucks on a game
this is a massive L on valorant honestly
girly, sorry, but what you dont understand?
guys maybe you buy just a few dolars to game but in türkiye you give 800 money for just a knife
yea in 2 days
i dont even comment it
i have a free weekend to play and um not able to use the 50 bucks i spended on the game
not everyone has free time lik you lil bro 😉
lil bro? i have 20 years old and working everyday for 10 hours.
1 dolar=30 money in türkiye so you give 800 money but you just give 20 money for it
youre unpatient and cant understand few simple things, sorry bcs its truth. GenZ told you, I told you, you dont understand - you have to handle it
20 dolars=600 money
even the fact that you asking about help and ppl explain you things about this problem and you are ungrateful. if you want to cry about it write to riot support.
Whatever you say, your the One all mad
Riot is working on a fix. To do that, they have temporarily disabled various effects/animations from skins. You will have to wait it out.
Im impacient cause i cant play during the week, since Im working , if your not ok with other peoples feeling (anger) Thats on you