VALORANT•11mo ago

Got hardware banned for no reason

Riot clearly doesnt want to help since ive submited 2 tickets and the responses were of no use. Is there anybody in this server who can actually provide support?
11 Replies
OGzFLASHED•11mo ago
I think u unintentionally cheated
TaseOP•11mo ago
Says i got banned due to using 3rd party apps or smth even tho i am 100% certain i havent and i havent played the game in a bit
me•11mo ago
Unfortunately, since those tickets go directly to Riot, and since whomever reviewed them can see why you were banned, you're pretty much out of luck. No one on this server can help you 😔.
willywanka•11mo ago
maybe u kept a app open
TaseOP•11mo ago
even if i did have apps in the background why would they result to me getting banned
me•11mo ago
The TOS covers anything you have installed. Also, conveniently sometimes the game stays running after you quit it. So they could claim you were running something while the game is running and they'd be right.
TaseOP•11mo ago
yeah ik that but i dont have anything on my pc to get me banned so ig their system is just fucked
me•11mo ago
If you've opened tickets with Riot and they closed them, you do, or a PC where your account was used does. Sry bud.
Damian•11mo ago
VANGUARD•11mo ago
Riot does not offer an official list of which software, hardware, or other modifications may lead to ban. Riot is constantly working on trying to keep the game fair for all players. They stress that any modification that causes an unfair advantage for players, will lead to a restriction. Learn more below: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/10729504652691-Addressing-cheating-in-VALORANT
OGzFLASHED•11mo ago
then ur acc can have got banned and u logged in from it leading to a hardware ban

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