Created by OGzFLASHED on 5/3/2024 in #community-help
Account credentials dont match an account in our system
Hi so on the 1st of MAY I logged in my acc and IT SAYS THIS "Account credentials dont match an account in our system" I tried logging in from everywhere none of my emails are getting the msges which my acc is linked from when i try do it myself can any1 help?
3 replies
Created by OGzFLASHED on 1/22/2024 in #community-help
Eu server list showing even tho my acc region is INDIAN
So recently My friend from phl gave me his acc as he was quitting valorant. region was of phl and currency too. I wanted to purchase skins in it so I decided to change the region and I changed it successfully to India. Before I changed my rank was silver 3 and I was able to see mumbai server in my server list. Now after I changed i can only see EU servers and not Asia pacific servers
12 replies