51 Replies
What is the specific problem?
I just cant even start when i start it comes an error in my monitor
Can you show me?
can u come call maybe
i cant take screenshots
You can use your phone to show me
But no we cannot call
i sent it private
Open riot client
i cant
What do you mean?
i cant open anything
from riot games
Restart your computer
already done
Once you're back inside of Windows. Press the windows key and then enter Riot Client
today my fn and my spotify logged out
And open it
where should i open it
i didnt unterstood
From within the Windows search menu

didnt worked

Press this icon
And find this and double click it

didnt work
Please reinstall riot client
First delete it off your system
look at the viedeo
Uninstall riot client
It should be the second one there
i cant even delete it
Use the control panel version of add or remove apps
Once you open control panel it should be under here

idk where it is
Do you have control panel open?
i found it
i cant wthhhhhhh
I cant delete anything but not that
Can you show me the problem?
sent it to you
It seems like you have some problems with windows
Also you can send them inside of this channel
C:\Riot Games
Try deleting this folder^
where can i delete this
open file explorer

You will see this^
Click on local disk c

Then the folder will be right there
Left click and then right click and then press delete
done it
what now
Sorry I'm on break right now
But try downloading riot client again
VALORANT: Riot Games’ competitive 5v5 character-based tactical shoo...
Riot Games presents VALORANT: a 5v5 character-based tactical FPS where precise gunplay meets unique agent abilities. Learn about VALORANT and its stylish cast