How do I put my tpm to 2.0?
I've tried everything but I can't possibly fix it, does anyone know how to fix it?

52 Replies
its very annoying however you will need to enter your bios on your pc whati recommend is watching a youtube video tutorial on how to do it via your motherboard
I did, and it js seems to not be working.
Like I watch videos on it, and I search up my kind of motherboard and stuff. But I js can't seem to find what I need to find.
win+r, msinfo32, send a photo

can you press win + r and put in tpm.msc and send a photo?

Do you know how to go to your bios?
I think
Please go to your bios
What do I do then
Please send me a photo

What next
Click more settings
What next
Send me a photo after every step
Like configuration security and boot?

Is this what your bios looks like?

Clear amd psp key
Did ot
Go to security
Then find tcg Feature setup
and enable security chip 2.0
U don't see it
This is my security page

Please save and exit
then in windows, do win+r, tpm.msc, send a photo

Sadly I can't find any way to turn on TPM
From within your bios
So I'm gonna try bypassing the error
Press the windows key and search for “cmd”
Right click Command Prompt
Click “Run as administrator”
You should be able to now; type in this new window
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
Ok what next
Restart your pc
Ok next
win+r, msinfo32, send a photo
Also I don't need the top
Scroll down to the bottom and then send me a photo
Like all the way to the bottom

Try to play the game
It's closed again
It let's me in it
But it closes after a minute or so
What is the error?
The tmp 2.0

Your computer supports TPM
But I can't find the setting to be able to turn it on nor can I find anyone else that has the same bios and issue
There's no way for me to help any further
You could contact the system manufacturer
google it lol
Your system is manufactured by Lenovo
So lenovo