
high ping

I’m having a very high ping recently in Frankfurt servers, I’ve never had this issue before! Here in lobby it shows me that it’s 69 but it’s 110 in the match (it’s stuck on 109-110). Hoping I find a solution to this cuz it’s been a whole month that I’ve been having this issue. I’m in Iraq….
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14 Replies
SpoopiOP8mo ago
Here it is immediately after I sent the previous pic
SpoopiOP8mo ago
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mururu8mo ago
bro, same, but i'm in ukraine, my ping and internet always was ok.. i contacted game support, they said that the problem was with the router and i needed to contact my provider for help. but for some reason other players also complain about increased ping... it seems to me that riot is doing something to the servers without warning
❥ Spooder
❥ Spooder8mo ago
same but from asia :val_Hampter:
SpoopiOP8mo ago
I agree, I’ve been playing the game for 2 years using the same WiFi and I’ve never had any issue except for the past month! I contacted them aswell and they said that it’s from the router but the ping and download speed are perfect for other apps.
Riot Lag Lassoer
Hey guys, please post your ISP name, go to https://ipinfo.io/ and give us the "org" name so we can check our side
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SpoopiOP8mo ago
How do I find the isp name? I’m not really familiar with those names sorry!
Riot Lag Lassoer
thats ok, go to https://ifconfig.co/ and send us the ASN
What is my IP address? — ifconfig.co
ifconfig.co • What is my IP address? — The best tool to find your own IP address, and information about it.
SpoopiOP8mo ago
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Zen._.8mo ago
ISP : Act Fibernet ; org: AS55577 Atria Convergence Technologies pvt ltd
Riot Lag Lassoer
Please send us the ASN number too
SpoopiOP8mo ago
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Riot Lag Lassoer
I DMd you
mururu8mo ago
can you check my DMs please? i have the same problem

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