error connecting
whenever i launch my game it says there has been an error connecting to valorant please restart your game client, anyone got a fix
29 Replies
restart your game client
do u just mean end tasking it?
cuz i already did that
ss it
ok lemme launch it again i just restarted my router
restarting router wouldn't do anything
my internet was acting up anyways
jus gimme a sec
does it say error code?
yeah i forgot what code it was
what's teh error code?
lemme see

you can try reinstalling riot vanguard
not sure about that one
il try it out
thanks anyways
could it be from my wifi?
cuz it keeps on cutting out
if it keeps cutting out
then it could be
but most issues in valorant doesn't have anything to do with your internet or wi-fi
uh guys can i mention a dev here ?
@Riot Schmick i really hate to do this but idk who to ask for help my acc got corrupted i think ?? i cant connect anymore
you'd have to contact player support
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
many issues in VAL (or any other game) have to do with that. it's an online game and thus relies heavily on network
thanks for replying, but the main reason i ated u was because they didnt do anything
or like said my request was dumb or something
i dont believe support said your request was dumb
if the suggestions support gave you didnt work, then respond and tell them it didn't work
but tech support isnt my area, so i can't help you. they have a better shot at helping you than i do
@Riot Schmick alr thanks dor your time, they confirmed I couldn't get my acc back, since I dont have access to the email I used to sign up. It's just a bummer cause I had spend a lot, but things come and go I guess. have a good one
sorry to hear that, maybe you can work with the email provider to try and get access to the email back
Oooo I'll try that ty
@Riot Schmick hey sorry to bother you again, but i havent been able to recover my acc. Is it against TOS if i ask you to give me the tag of my old acc, the tagline used to be Seek#idgaf, but they changed it. lmk plz
i have no way to do that. devs dont have access to account info for privacy and security reasons, but yes, i also wouldn't be allowed even if i could.
alr all good ty