5 stacking

I have a friend who has been 5 stacking with irons and bronzes to get to radiant (was diamond) and now he finally is radiant. is there anything I should do or is this allowed?
13 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent4w ago
5-stacking with teammates of significantly lower ranks to climb the ladder can be considered unsportsmanlike behavior and might fall under boosting, which is against Riot's terms of service. While playing with friends of different ranks isn’t inherently against the rules, intentionally manipulating match outcomes through substantial skill disparities can be problematic. If you believe your friend is engaging in behavior that violates the terms, you can report it through the in-game reporting tool or submit a ticket on the Riot Games support site. For more details on boosting and the rules surrounding it, please refer to the Riot Games support page: Riot Games Support.
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Mottas4w ago
I cant report because i havent played with him in my last 20 matches
!ella4w ago
You can submit a ticket to Riot Games through the website with evidence of him boosting others while also boosting himself to Radiant
Mottas4w ago
I did but when i clicked submit it said i hadnt played with them within 20 matches
!ella4w ago
Mottas4w ago
after I put in all the information it told me it couldnt find the player becuase i hadnt played with them in my last 20 matches
!ella4w ago
I dont think you need to play with them to report them
No description
Mottas4w ago
I filled out all of the information
!ella4w ago
Oh then I'm really unsure I think they're checking your history instead of his
Mottas4w ago
isnt there a way to report them then?
Geniux4w ago
@! ./Report Cheater in DM is this a thing you note? radiant boosting with irons?
iyda4w ago
Yep i can get them banned. a bit of a pain in the ass since documents need to be created for it but yes. DM me with all information regarding it.
DowDaw4w ago
Report them in-game or by submitting a ticket through Riot site: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us