FPS Spikes
it started around 5 days ago, out of no where my fps now just constantly spikes from abt 250 to up to 160 like every match all the time? this has never happened before
16 Replies
and ive been getting ping spikes
that happen often
what server are u
im oce
i think its js the val servers
@mxrs check ur cpu usage on task manager, do u see any usage spikes from "vanguard user-mode service" or "system"?

im not in a game rn toh
sort by cpu and just look for changes
theres a problem rn for some people that vanguard makes cpu spikes for a few seconds
how do i do that
@Save might be happening to me as wel
will they fix this
or do i have to do something about it

your cpu is fully maxing out and then throttling, check its temps by using hwinfo or any software that comes with your pc
try playing with discord and medal closed
apparently its this that makes cpu util spike
