VALORANT•11mo ago

python script

I have created an Insta-lock script using Python's PyAutoGUI module. My question is, is this bannable? The only thing it does is select the given agent and lock it. It doesn't give any unfair advantage for the player.
31 Replies
dpp::teeth t{"{\"scary\" : 1}"};
First of all, you're a hazard to society. Second of all, how exactly does the script work?
milk#6969OP•11mo ago
I am not that bad 👉👈 I am planning to make the whole code open source So that anyone can use it and modify it as they wish The workings of the script are simple. I have pre-fed the program with various agent images. You only need to select any given agent you want, click on the run button, and then open your Valorant game. The rest will be handled by my program. it uses AI to detect the agent and lock it as soon as the agent selection screen appears
NovikTF•11mo ago
I have also made a similar program, but it worked using predefined coordinates of the agents, on the screen. I've been using it sometimes and I am not banned.
dpp::teeth t{"{\"scary\" : 1}"};
It's safe to use then. It doesn't conflict with valorant by injecting some code or something so you won't get banned. Instalocking is bad and you should be ashamed
NovikTF•11mo ago
No its not. Just instalock an agent which you like to play. Your teammates have plenty of other agents to choose. And if they are mad because someone picked an agent instantly, instead of waiting 10 seconds and still selecting the same agent 💀, they are just stupid.
dpp::teeth t{"{\"scary\" : 1}"};
So you're telling me that instead of being human I should just not let anyone play the only agent they know?
NovikTF•11mo ago
If they only know one agent (the one you instalocked) its they're problem. I've got some solutions tho: 1. They also can instalock 2. They can learn other agents 3. They can dodge 4. Just select OTHER AGENTS, they are not that hard to play 5. Go outside, if someone instalocking is that big of a deal = problem solved no more instalockers 6. Uninstall the game = also problem solved
dpp::teeth t{"{\"scary\" : 1}"};
1. No, not really. If their computer is slower it's not an option so it's not a guaranteed solution. 2. They can but they'll have to give up fun for that. Say I have fun playing agent Borys and know how to play Petro but don't have fun with Petro, I won't want to play him and if I'm forced to, I'm: 2.1 Not gonna have fun. 2.2 Not gonna perform well. 3. Dodging gives you a tempban. 4. References 2. 5. Yes, instalockers will be no more since there won't be a reason to instalock. 6. References 5. P. S. 5:
No description
NovikTF•11mo ago
But the 2nd point is kinda forcing you to instalock. Cuz why would you not do it, if you can only have fun with one agent
dpp::teeth t{"{\"scary\" : 1}"};
But then again, chances are, one of your teammates has a better computer and instalocks faster
NovikTF•11mo ago
Ur basically saying, that others can’t instalock because u instalock slower than them. Also the reason why someone loads to the agent select faster, is mostly a network factor.
dpp::teeth t{"{\"scary\" : 1}"};
I'm basically saying that others can't instalock because there's literally (and I mean it) no way for them to be faster and it's a dick move overall
NovikTF•11mo ago
Bobrick•11mo ago
Instalocking just isn’t a very nice thing to do I mean it makes it pretty much impossible to have a good team comp and also like other people might really want to play that agent in which case u could switch to some1 else
dpp::teeth t{"{\"scary\" : 1}"};
Thanks, I'm tired of explaining this This can also kill the team spirit
Bobrick•11mo ago
There is also just like no point It’s much better in general to just ask if u can play the character If u ask nicely they will prob let you At least in my experience
dpp::teeth t{"{\"scary\" : 1}"};
Unless you're playing Frankfurt :D
Bobrick•11mo ago
Idk there are prob a bunch of toxic Reyna or Jett mains who just never let you play those agents and then get mad abt having no smokes or smth xD
NovikTF•11mo ago
Most of the times when I tried to do that, someone already took my agent, or no one is talking
Bobrick•11mo ago
Welp I mean in that case ig u should take ur own advice and find new agents to play
NovikTF•11mo ago
or just instalock
Bobrick•11mo ago
Idk my one thing is if you instalock just don’t be mad if you have a bad team comp and lose
NovikTF•11mo ago
I am never mad at the team comp tho
Arii•11mo ago
I mean yeah instalocking is kind of bad manners but lets be honest, a lot of people only want to play one agent, do you want to force a player onto killjoy if he is a onetrick sova? you shouldn't, teamcomp does not matter almost at all in competitive
NovikTF•11mo ago
From my experience the people that dont instalock are the mad ones
Bobrick•11mo ago
Ok that’s good ig I just dislike the installockers who complain abt having like 4 duelists after they instalock one Yeah but that could go both ways cause say your an instalocker and u instalock an agent who someone else onetricks they could have even less fun at that then you would playing someone else But actually I’ll stop cause I don’t even really dislike instalockers I just feel like it’s a lil rude and not beneficial but I think the reason people do it is fair
NovikTF•11mo ago
If someone is a onetrick, there is literally not a single reason on why he shouldnt instalock. If the onetrick instalocks his agent, it solves the issue of not having fun while playing the other agents.
Arii•11mo ago
not exactly, if two people wanted to play the same character there would be a dispute either way so it doesn't matter who locks it
sb•11mo ago
bruh ppl rlly having an argument that ppl shouldnt instalock in ranked as if you expect them to start filling which is arguably the worst way to play the game
dpp::teeth t{"{\"scary\" : 1}"};
We're not saying "googoogaga instalokk bab" so let us have this argument
sb•11mo ago
💀 okay

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