help me
can someone help me everytime i start up valorant it kicks me out saying error code 1 or -81 and it says i have no connection while my wifi is fine can anyone help
16 Replies
Have you tried updating and/or reinstalling the Riot client? Also reinstalling the vanguard anticheat may help.
idk where to install it
which one?
the vanguard
there are guides online, just google how to reinstall vanguard anticheat
you just need to remove it from your game files and it should reinstall it automatically when you boot up the game again
bro i cant even delete valorant or vanguard ðŸ˜
it wont even let me
it worked for me just fine
ye i keep hitting uninstall and it wont let me
does it say something? or it just doesnt work?
ok nvm it uninstalled but that took rlly long lol
yeh it sometimes does lmao
did it work?

wont even let me update it lol
yeah you might have to restart the computer
did several times