Ping issue? Unsure

On bahrain servers i had around 20-25 ping, but eversince a few updates/ patches ago the ping has been well above 130? i wanted to know if Bahrain servers have been relocated maybe? im unsure and if it make sense, i live in Dubai and my Ping in dubai is 10-15 itself
19 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent10mo ago
Ping issues can be caused by a variety of factors, not necessarily server relocations. Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and possibly improve your ping: 1. Check Server Status: Make sure the servers are not undergoing maintenance or experiencing issues. You can check this on the VALORANT Support Site or their official Twitter. 2. Network Issues: Ensure that your internet connection is stable. You can try restarting your router, connecting via a LAN cable instead of Wi-Fi, or contacting your ISP. 3. Firewall and Antivirus: Sometimes, these can interfere with your connection. Make sure VALORANT is allowed through your firewall and your antivirus software is not blocking it. 4. Background Applications: Close any unnecessary applications that might be using up bandwidth, like streaming services, downloads, or other online games. 5. Region Selection: Double-check your region selection in the game settings. If these steps don’t help, you might want to submit a ticket to Riot Games Support for a more detailed investigation.
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miltonm10mo ago
Kenji-San10mo ago
@LiDoCaiNe who is providing your internet service my friend
LiDoCaiNeOP10mo ago
Etisalat Havent changed it at all too :>
রাহুল10mo ago
u guys got 1067 error ? valorant
Kenji-San10mo ago
your ping is low towards Dubai correct?
রাহুল10mo ago
kenji i need ur help
LiDoCaiNeOP10mo ago
Kenji-San10mo ago
Cant help you with error codes unfortunately my friend can you raise a new topic and one of the tech mods will give you a hand @LiDoCaiNe the thing is Bahrain is hosted on AWS so that means it bypasses Riot Direct, which is our network. Your provider Etisalat could have changed the way they are connecting with AWS resulting in higher ping there. if you can play on Dubai you should be good. but ill check it out if it jumped but might not be able to do anything about it
LiDoCaiNeOP10mo ago
Ah alright, thank you, i understand nothing from this as i never looked into internet stuff itself :p, i'll look into it myself a bit too if the stuff is public?
Kenji-San10mo ago
yeah dont worry about it too much, tldr is that we dont have control over Bahrain that much as we do over other locations like Dubai. if you want to learn more I am sure there are plenty of vids out there. let me check if I can dig out the Riot Direct general video
Kenji-San10mo ago
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LiDoCaiNeOP10mo ago
Apologies for the late reply, didnt recieve no notifications, i'll try to i guess ask my internet provider if they changed anything, but is there anything else i could do? or nope?
Aespho10mo ago
nah my pings chilling idk
LiDoCaiNeOP10mo ago
You live in dubai too i assume?
Aespho10mo ago
nah Jordan atm i move a lot im further away than u
LiDoCaiNeOP10mo ago
Might just be my provider then
Aespho10mo ago
could be maybe try smth like exitlag's free trial to reroute the connection and see if that fixes it if so, then u could probs contact ur isp
LiDoCaiNeOP9mo ago
I'll do it later today a bit busy atm, appreciate the advice though @Kenji-San dont know if you guys dropped a new patch or something, but the ping is back to normal today! hopefully it'll remain the same forever :>

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