since when valorant takes 3.82 tb of space and i get val 1067 error every 1 round in match

16 Replies
That 3 tb is a visual bug and doesn't affect anything on ur system
yeeee but i always uninstall and reinstall and find it loads better . i hope its just placebo but i wouldn’t be able to load into matches, i reinstalled from the TB glitch and i was loading in smoothly again
hello, can you explain more about the van 1067?
do you get it after like 3min in a game?
I start a match
Select a agent
Then boom
Val 1067 error
After few rounds i reconnect after relaunching valorant
I stay in the match for 1 min then get val 1067 error again
I have uninstalled valorant and reinstalled already
Same error
I got 1 week comp ban🥲🥲
24 hrs unrated ban
Even happens on range
i see
try this:
1) Go to Settings for the Windows computer.
2) Click Time and language > Language and region > Administrative language settings > Change system locale.
3) In the Region Settings dialog, make sure that the Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support checkbox is selected. Click OK to save any changes.
4) Click Apply.
Next up, go to:
Start > Settings > Time & language > Date & time.
There click on sync now.
but as mentioned its not a guaranteed fix
@Stalin Joseph if that dosnt work then its kinda gg
but it should work
After 24 hrs
After i get unban from unrated i will do it
Try in range
I had enough of valorant
Val 1067 solved now i constantly get vanguard not installed and val 5 error
One time i dont get to click anything and says vanguard not installed reboot ur computer
And the next time after i restart my computer. Then i get to click start to get val 5 error and next time i get vanguard not installed
Im stuck in a loop hole

are you on windows 10 or 11?
Now working
49 fking kills
My hand shaking