VALORANT•11mo ago

can someone rate my rank?

im still new to val and i started halfway through the last ranked season
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6 Replies
SoraOP•11mo ago
ive heard people say they've been stuck in iron/bronze for sometimes over 2 years so i just want to know if im doing decent for a new player. i'm solo queue btw i know my headshot accuracy could use a lot of work but i dont think my kd is too bad for still being newish
LXV•11mo ago
You played 100 hours in one month? Touch some grass lmao
.•11mo ago
I don't know if it's good for you but maybe try playing duelist and dont fill even when your Teammates getting mad you dont need to care about them just play a duelist and then you get out of Bronze Silver like in no time. and before the first game hop in to Practice and Deathmatch
Uzbekistani frog
Uzbekistani frog•11mo ago
better than me iron 1🔥
TheShiNo•11mo ago
Check corners, and ego swing got me out. Also most bronze and silver players don’t check corners so sit in one with an odin lol
SoraOP•11mo ago
considering theres 7-800 hours in a month yes i spend time playing a game i found fun. when you want to get better at something you practice it a lot thanks for the advice, i dont really play duelist bc i dont like to hear my teamtes complain ab instalocking. and on games i dont play smokes/walls my team does horrible at them. ill try to use Iso and Reyna more Heard thank you

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