Low FPS, good specs
im running a 5600x + 6600xt for valorant, 16gb 3200mhz, however my fps only stays at around 180 to 240 ingame? I know it can reach higher, anyone know a fix? I did compatibility mode and everything already.
17 Replies
The first thing i would recommend is undo all the compatibility settings u might've done to valorant and valorant win64 shipping
As it can cause issues
like setting prio to high?
Do u have valorant and valorant win64 shipping set to high performance in windows graphics settings?

Uh yeah
Also add valorant win64 shipping to that
Find it in ur riot games folder then valorant/live/shootergame/binaries/win64 and there u will find it

Ok good
Go back to the win64 folder
Right click on valorant win64 shipping
Show ss

And uncheck disable fullscreen optimization
Also that is just a shortcut
That will not make a difference
removed it
what do i run as admin tho?
should i do the fullscreen optimization for the shipping?
Don't do it for anything
which one brother
so is there anything else i can do to optimize

Install Val on ur SSD
Bro is onto nothing 🗣️🗣️
I would assume the fps cut is cuz of overwolf or some other recording software
Where did u get that idea from