32 Replies
cut them
nooo then it wont work
just put them behind ur pc
like the cables coming out of the aio
i cant put it behind i wanna hide them
the black one?
i think you should of mounted the aio like another 90 degrees clockwise
oh yeah
i should thats a good idea
can you route thru this slot?

damn nice build
Is that cheems..
thank u :D
i like shiba inu i have 2 :D

yes i think
ill do it tomorrow
i cant believe they made the cables black
id suggest moving the gpu to the most forward slot
can u do that?
i didnt even know u could
cable looks like its bending
oh i bent it....
i was trying to hide as much of the black bit i could
because its a splitter
yeah you should be able to? not sure what case it is exactly i assume lian li by the looks of it

but the gpu slot extender should be long enough to reach
yeah its lian li lol
its a vertical mount i bought
buy some cable extensions theyre about 20$
oh ok
if its long enough it shoudl work
wait i wanna buy those cables
thay have lights that go through them
those are basically cable extensions just rgb
make sure to check what ones you need and the size'
theyre kind of dxpensivr
ok thank you for ur help
Cute af
it looks different to mine mine is wider?
he hid his cables so well

different mobo and case