issue with fps
I play on a laptop
Which is acer aspire 5
Which has i5 1240p
2050 4gb
16gb ram
But it gets like 60 fps on vsync on
Which I play some time that fps drop till like 30
It shouldn't happen because it's a great spec coz this happen on low setting
Idk what to do about this any help?
64 Replies
Do you have any opened applications in the background?
With high CPU or memory usage
No I always turn off my chrome and edge
Which may take high memory
But only think running is antivirus and rain meter
That do t take that much as well
Send a photo of task manager
And the fps drop happen only on tdm
Some times but rarely on rank or unrank
Well I am not on PC rn
It's late at night I was about to have dinner and go to sleep
I will send tomorrow
tdm is a more congested map with equal no of players as ranked so it could be a little harsh on the cpu. my pc also drops 10-20 even 30 frames and i get 90 to 100 fps in tdm.
check your cpu usage % while playing if its normal or not
mine utilizes only 40-50% max while playing
Mine is usually 30% but tomorrow I will check and send ss
that's low ig, you got to check with others because i have the same issue
I also need help, I play on a ryzen 5 16gb ram 4gb gpu laptop, and nothing seems to fix my 40 fps
and all settings are optimised too
5 what?
3600 5600??
That's good but should give like 60
I guess

Hm that seems good
when valorant tdm is on
How many fps u get in range?
And are there any fps drops in range
with vsync on 60
with off 144
today didnot happen
Why do u have vsync on anyway?
i just started playing
idk it was on defult
Don't enable vsync
Keep it off
what does it do any ways
It will just give u input lag
Helps with screen tearing and related issues
But at the cost of input lag
just a sec
Show me ur in game settings
what settig is goos
All graphics settings to be precise
ok wait
let me ope setting
Just keep everything to low
Maybe keep texture quality to medium or high
what to keep mssaa?
The lowest
Or off

this one
Turn that off
How many hz is ur monitor?
laptop screen

current setting
Turn off anti aliasing
The others are ur choice
What does it do?
Improves a bit of clearity
But can give fps drops
No, gives me 40. My friend with way worse specs gets 120
I’ve tried doing all optimisations high performance mode low quality check background apps nothing helps
That's a god cpu
Playbwith setting a bit
Might do
If it has vsync of it
Do you plug in your pc or not while playing valorant
@lyra get over here
Fix that guy's issue
I know nothing about this shit
Also fix them
what is your cpu latency?
why are u turning on vsync
turn it off
Alrdy made them to turn it off
btw try increasing certain graphics it might increase ur fps cus idk how to explain it but it works for me
went from unstable 40-120 fps tu stable 110 sumn
oh yeah it has sumn to do abt bottlenecking
ur gpu isnt utilizing at certain lvl so it bottlenecks ur cpu
also reinstall vgc if ur fps keeps dropping suddenly
I Said "off it" forgot i f
I will play using new settings for few days if nothing happen i will close this
There there
Make sure to kepe laptop plugged in while playing so it can utilize stuff properly
Yeah obviously