valorant can't go above 21fps
i have problem about valorant it won't go above 21fps i tryed a lot of things and also am sure that it's not because of my laptop power, specs: i7 3th gen, 8gb ram 2 graphics card one intel hd 4000, and second amd radeon hp 7650m 2gb, with ssd hard drive 250gb, i tried everything updated windows all drivers and also tried lowest settings of game that you can't change from in like disabling shadows and when i enter in game the fps still wasn't going above 21fps even when i uprise graphics the fps was same i also changed graphics card which i was launching game with and on both of them was same fps and after that i disabled one graphics driver and it gived me like 50fps π but with drops but it's not supposed to be like this i bought this laptop 2 days ago and i checked everything and everything works (((please whoever reads this help me if you can, my old laptop died 6 month ago and i afford this now i missed this game))) laptop model name: hp probook 4540s. also it always shows me 3 status high average ping' low client fps, network problem. i also reinstalled game again and it does same shi* and yes i have no limits set on fps, also in task manager shows me in every 3 seconds that valorant stops running but game is turned on and i play with 20fps
132 Replies
Keep Xbox game bar open and see what resource gets to 100% and lemme know
I'm a bit tired now will get back to you soon
bro I don't know how to do that

please don't forget me π am trying to fix this for 2 days community is my last hope now
Make sure the game is running the Radeon GPU
And go to the Radeon adrenaline software and turn on Radeon boost for valorant
i make that to done with this

Do you have the the Radeon adrenaline software?
i don't think it supports mine
Ok what software do you have for Radeon graphics
i have amd catalyst control driver and amd radeon settings
Go to AMD Radeon settings and send an ss
Screen shot

Go to gaming
Then send another ss

Select valorant

Go to more

I guess you don't have the Radeon boost
Is valorant set as high performance on the graphics app menu
you asking about this?

it's set on this now
Nah like a windows settings
Forgot about the actual term
Will let you know when I get on my pc tomorrow
Imma go sleep now
ok man good night
i hope we will do some about it
But check the razer cortex app
i don't think if i have that
Install it
From the website
will it on intel?
oh sorry thought it was for amd chip only
Its a game booster
Don't worry I get 100 FPS with Radeon integrated graphics you should get better.
okay bro
go to settings and see if valorant is on high performance

good morning
it is i sent before

How much FPS are you getting now?
What's your in-game settings?
i also tried app you suggested for me
still 21
it has no matter
low high medium
all does same
You sure that's the right valorant path?
It should be valorant win64 shipping.exe
am not sure
Please show me your in-game graphics settings
I don't think so
Should be this

how do i find it
Switch windowed full screen to regular full screen
Go to these folders serially C drive - riot games- valorant -live -shootergame-binaries-win64
Whats your power plan currently?

now i did it
Any difference?
I'll check
Aslo quit all other programs and run the razor cortex app before booting the game
21 22fps

now it's freezed
While in game press win+G
That will popup the Xbox game bar
Open the performance widget on that
i can't
game freezed
it never did before
Go to you browser and search "Can I run it valorant"

This site will come
Click on the can you run it button
It will run some tests and see what might be wrong
what i have to do here

oh wait

am downloading driver booster 9
The thing is you should still get over 60 FPS with that
While the game is running go to task manager and right click on Valorant and see if you can put it on high priority
This used to be a win 10 feature
Not sure if you can do it now
Worth a try
Just reinstall graphics drivers
Wipe them with ddu
Yeah 98 months is ages
Hope your laptop allows it
Btw go to AMD driver support and do it manually for best results
i did before
okay I'll try
what ddu is
display driver uninstaller
just search ddu
and download it
and after than download amd auto detect driver and install it
i think i got what problem is
can amd catalyst and amd crimson work together?? they're both installed in
it's like driver for graphics card and i have 2 for 1 card both different thing
now i switched to intel hd and i have 60 40 fps
Just reinstall ur amd graphics drivers
i did
crimson beta
Did u manually install them again?
now i will try catalyst one
What crimson beta
I told u to completely wipe the drivers
Wipe evrything related to it
i used amd cleanup utility
now i will delete crimson driver with same method and download catalyst
maybe beta doesn't works
Didn't i tell u to use ddu?
okay yeah but
Ok do as u please
it's bit hard
okay i will
i did it
now am gonna check the game
it does same
24 19 fps
Which version of the graphics driver did you get
From when?
When was it released
wait let me check

I'll try catalyst now
i have to wipe it again
Nah bro
Try something from recent years
Old drivers won't work
bro thos are old
i can't find any new
i even don't know if it exists
i think status stopped maybe
Zax Game Inn
π΅AMD HD 7500m/7600m in 20 GAMES | in 2021
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This is a Benchmark test of Amd Radeon HD 7500m/7600m in 20 games in 2021.
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CPU - Intel Core i7-3632QM (Upgraded from i5)
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it ates the game
AMD stopped supporting your gpu
If you get more FPS on intel just use that for now
for now and then what
it's not supposed to be like that it needs to give more
okay anyways thanks for help
seems like i wasted my collected money
i have seen other people with same gpu and with same driver update status playing 4 time's better than me
for now i will play with intel but about amd i won't surrender if anyone has any ideas that i haven't done it i will gladly take it
also the thing is that when i do high or low graphics the fps remains same and from that i know it can do more than 21 but something is keeping my amd card to not go above that
i also tried lowest settings possible by out from game and fps was same
i have idea about controling my gpu clock speed (ghz) manually so it might give me performance i want and if anyone knows how tell me
Money comes and goes knowledge doesn't, at least you learned something new
You can try over clocking you pc with MSI afterburner
i had that
msi kumboster didn't detected my amd amd it was testing my intel graphics
and i couldn't change
use the amd auto detect drivers software
and when downloading there is a option of clean install select that
i did ddu i think that won't do anything after it
@Ichigo is it a pc or laptop?
Open task manager
Then performance
Show a ss

am not at home now
Where tf is ur gpu
Lmk when u get home
yeah exactly
am home
also when i turn on xbox game bar it won't show me any specs how they work
at least it needs to show me my intel hd one
Open device manager
Extend under display adapters
And show a photo

Happens if the gpu is too old or sometimes when you have 2 graphics cards
Dedicated gpus always show up
In most cases atleast
+its a laptop
Most likely the graphics driver is too old/ corrupt
2016 was 7 years ago man
8* if you dont include the release date/month
I told them to reinstall the drivers
Idk what driver they installed smh
Cuz that doesn't look like the drivers u should be looking for
Amd stopped supporting tbe gpu from 2016
Nothing can be done about that
If it was something like Radeon HD 7510M or something they still have support
But thats 7500M/7600M
Whatever that means
it's hd 7650m
That would have been nice to say
Nvm they dropped the support for that on the same day too
Ill get back to you soon this is interesting
Can you check what wddm version you have
what wddm is
and how to check
Its windows display driver model
Please look it up this time its really late at night i cant type much
I'll but am about to sleep too
wddm 1.3

i neabled gpu monitoring
what interesting is that it says 0% gpu usage

but in performance it still won't show anything

even when game is on π¦