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All posts for The Iris Project
Trouble launching Iris// Sodium
net.minecraft.class_2973: Invalid shaders/core/shadow_terrain_cutout.json: The call method_34416 is
I cant open the file
Game crashed on launch with no error report, iris confirmed as the cause.
Iris Encountered an issue trying to load the shader error
issue when loading shader
Missing Characters?
crash when loading terrain in game
How to add to modpack for curseforge
crash on launch with iris
opengl error
Iris believes sodium is out of date?
Game not lauching iris 1.8.8, sodium 0.6.6, Indium 1.0.35
please help me with this
sky not loading
Light Value Clamping
UI text turns black after using shaders.
Name Tag Rendering Issues
Multi-mod rendering corruption
Crsh iris shaders after entering the mc
Weird white pixels
Neoforge 1.21.1 + Iris 1.8.7 crash while shaders Enabled
Iris No-Show in Launcher (Linux)
Game automatically crashes on Feather when booting up with Iris enabled
Updated iris and now it crashes on world load
Bliss Flickering light shafts
"DXGI Swapchain" halves framerate
Internal errors when loading shaders
Relationship between armor stand and Iris shaders
Shaders won't load at all on 1.21.1 [Fabric 0.16.10, Iris 1.8.1+1.21.1]
Weird Render Bug with Complimentary Reimagined
Need help with rendering.
Need some help trying to figure out this crash
Full bright
How do you do this?
Non-vanilla core shaders are not rendered
Crashing upon enabling certain shaders inside a world (Oculus 1.8.0/Embeddium 0.3.31) (1.20.1)
unsure if this is the right place for this, bliss shaders issue with DH
feel like im doing something wrong
Iris NOT working
Crashing upon enabling certain shaders inside a world (Oculus 1.8.0/Embeddium 0.3.31) (1.20.1)
NVIDIA drivers suddenly making my performance worse
cant open the file
Iris Installation Issue
Parallax occlusion "seam" between blocks with block variations.
Crash at the loading
Game not launching with iris 1.8.5 and sodium 6.6.0 (1.21.4)
What might cause this flickering?
inner parts of trapdoors having xray issue
Issue with Iris and Flywheel causing a memory access violation as soon as I enable shaders
Game crashing upon loading shaders 1.21.1 neoforge
Game crashes randomly and the crashlog mentions iris
screen is mirroring and i dont know how to fix it
Iris 1.8.5+1.21.4-neoforge broken on 1.21.3
How to remove Iris
I shaders play in 1.20.1 this problem I face and shaders doesn't work - net.minecraft.class_2973: In
issue with custom dimension
trying to get iris and distant horizens to work with fabric
No Text on Signs, Character, or Item Rendering with Bliss
how do i get iris to work with a curseforge modpack
Shaders for neoforge 1.20.4
shaders wont apply
Shaders that worked on 1.20.4 now doesn't work in 1.21.1
photon shader settings help
Game crashes every time I turn on shaders
FPS stuck at 60 even though I put unlimited FPS in 1440p.
cant launch game with iris sodium
Iris disables Distant Horizons fog
Iris crashes the game
Lighting bug Shrimple shader
İris crash on startup
crashed when i launch iris
"Index 0 out of bounds for length 0"
Noise on Bliss
Issues with my own mod
Inner planes optimization issue
Resource reload failed
Snow biome DH+bliss shaders bug
getBuffer() allocates 1MB?
Item not displayed
Shader Bug
Game crashes when i put iris as a mod
Can't download Iris
Iris reordering draw calls for GeckoLib4 render layers [1.21.1]
Lag whenever I open any form of GUI when i have shaders enabled
WHEN forge, an very old question
Sun shines through DH LOD's with shaders.
Cant load my shaders
Connected textures missing shaders
Minecraft - 1.21.4 - Reference maps are unable to be read
GLFW error 65543
Crashing when joining servers
(Mod) Is it possible to prevent shaderpack affecting OpenGL graphics?
what is the reason for this
crashing on world generation (1.21.1, neoforge)
Iris broke the PBR for SEUS GFME (Solved)
No shaders tab
Floating chests
iris crashes with sildurs basic shaders
armour reflections no longer work not sure why, also emissive entity no longer works.
game crash on world load 1.21.1
Clouds dissapear when applying shaders
Pale Oak Boat Visual Glitch
Okay,looks like block textures still not working proper after your "fix".
Sun transparent at sunrise/sunset 1.21.4
water tranparency issue (iris+sodium+dh) 1.21.4
Weird box around text
Sodium isn't available for 1.21 NeoForge but Iris is?
Witches and Shaders Causing Game to CRASH
My game crashes saying sodium does not accept any iris versions below 1.8.1
Creeper explosion causes game crash
Player hand item not visible in Shaders (replay Mod)
Continuity + Iris potentially causing artifacts with enchanted items [1.20.1]
Manual Installation; Help!
Idk what happened
Modded Clients not launching with Iris profile
Shaders with iris
Custom Polytone "default_color" attribute for colormaps causes items to go invisible.
Black screen
Iris 1.8+ crashing on launch (intel linux)
1.20 Fabric Iris is making blocks see through
1.21 incompatible with sodium
Loaded IRIS on 1.21.3 Fabric and this is the result... Help!!!
clicking on "shader packs..." doesn't do nothing
In iris 1.8.1, the player's shadow is broken in the SEUS PTGI GFME shader.
Iris crashed 1.21.1 neoforge
Photon shaders bug
Sky Bugging
Sky flickering during sunset to night transition
another nametag
Trying to install
black UI text problems continuing
Almost always getting a black screen when switching worlds or shaders
Can not use texture file path with <"> in
Shiny pressure plate
Iris is not showing up in my launcher after using the installer
with shaders, my nether looks like this.
Entity Glitch with Iris 1.8.3
Blocks go invis/ see through with newest 1.21.4 release on fabric
game crashes when a explosion occurs on the fabric + iris installation
Iris does not support DH and BBS when loading shaders 1.20.1
Parallax corruption and entity normals broken in 1.21.4
[SUGGESTION] add a setting that makes fireworks shoot carrots as an easter egg
1.21.4 crash with fireworks + particle weirdness
[1.21.4] Game Crashes After (Creeper) Explosion
POM gets cursed on latest release
I need help with a crash I keep having (this isn't iris)
crashing whenever i try to join any world
black UI text/icons
Black rain beams?
Somes shaders that working yesterday didn't work today.
Iris with shader enabled breaks BlockEntity rendering
BBS mod will render incorrectly when using sharders with the DH mod
Shaders not loading
my gui lags whenever im using shaders
Strange "cuts" appearing in the clouds?
problem with ressource pack
exploded textures on enchanted items in the menu only
Intel 13th gen Iris Xe can't compile shaders.
Iris 1.8.0 for 1.21.3 crashes my game when I join a world. Why is this suddenly happening?
Iris 1.8.0+ for 1.21.3+ currently does not work with Litematica's Blocks with Shaders ON [FIXED]
fabric | iris 1.20.1 ver. 1.6.17
Glowing texture overlay
1.21 Iris Shaders keep crashing my game.
Iris + EMF drops the fps horribly
Iris Crashing Issue
Sunrays blurry
F3+T (Reload Resource Pack) breaks armor textures?
Game stuck in loading screen
Shaders Not Working (IRIS Encountered An Issue Trying To Load The Shader)
Very Noisy Output
incompatible mods
ominous banner turns white while breaking
Mob shadows broken
particles disappear
Can someone send me a mod pack with a mod dh?
iris 1.7.4??????
Can´t start shaders
the side faces of white concrete glow
random crash out of nowhere, related to iris
Can't run minecraft with shaders (any shaders)
does anyone know why rendering is like this?
Most shaders have extremely low shadow view distance
How to use fabric mods with iris shader
"Fail to compile Gbuffers_flw_flywheel_model"
someone pls tell me how to use distance horizone + simple cloud mod forge + fabric
Flickering light emitting from mobs+player.
ATM10 "Iris encountered an issue trying to load the shader; please report this to Iris developers"
renderState uniform issue
distant horizons crashing all of a sudden
white textures
ATM 10
my eyes hurt. (Chocapic13 High Performance)
no shaderoptions and no shaderfolder
Strange lines
where do i download distant horizon and iris together in the last version?
Using Shaders with Replay mod is glitching out. Unsure as to why?
I have this bug :
GLFW error 65543: Failed to create OpenGL context
Potential Lightleak Bug?
Crashing on startup when i iris
Iris having issues loading a shader pack
Shader fails to load since updating Iris to iris-fabric-1.8.0-beta.7+mc1.21.1
modded blockstates in shaders
Not working LOD texture system SEUS PTGI GFME in iris 1.8.0 beta 8 1.21.1
Incompatible with sodium
1.21 not showing up when using the iris installer
Need help with adding shader compatibility with my mod
Iris on 1.21.3 ruined armor's PBR
mods do not recognize fabric
Shaders broken on purpur servers
I cant see name tags through objects
game not launching when using a certain combination of mods
Neoforge 1.21
Lightning, walking
game crashes when i disable and enable shaders
the game crashes whenever i play with iris, if i remove it, the game works just fine
no option for the dh beta on the installer
begin.csh not working on Iris 1.8.0-beta.6+1.21.2-fabric
cannot create gl context 1.21.3 1.8b6
How do I change where the border fog ends on Photon shader with distant horizons?
Tea shaders dont load on 1.21
Missing shaders tab
I'm having low gpu usage problem. Any fix there?
Error loading shaderpacks with Distant Horizons
Create Contraption models disjoint at random, SPECIFICALLY in multiplayer
pixel perfect shaders failed to load
Game crashes on activating shaders agagin
wheres the download for the iris and dh for curseforge?
Fog Wont Turn Off
game crash
Distant Horizons + Sodium/Iris issues on m2 max mac studio
iris crashing on fabric 1.20.1 using curseforge
How do I get blockEntityId in final.fsh?
disabling shaders makes minecraft go white screen music still playing
Game Crash 1.21
Made a modpack and it crashes unless I remove sodium which then doesn't allow me to use Iris
Rethinking Voxels lighting not being voxelized Minecraft 1.20.1
lighting problems
Framebuffer Image Reading
Flickering on held blocks and dropped blocks
FPS drops
Solas Shader fails to load
Issues finding correct files for 1.20.1 Forge
[Render thread/ERROR]
Why is bright albedo texture automatically emissive?
help please with iris for neoforge
Updating IRIS to 1.7.5 (1.20.1) resolvers in a crash
complementary crash
How to fix resource pack entity shader conflict
Add a Comparison function
Shader issue
Is Iris 1.19.4 not compatible with DH at all?
1.21.1 - GPU usage not at 100%
stuttering issue with shaders on linux
effective plus iris
When I attempt loading the game with the forge 1.20.1 variants of Sodium and Iris, instant crash
DH with fabric and iris shaders dosent work 1.20.4
Botania pools and mana beams (and possibly more, I have not tested) not visible with shaders enabled
Fabric 1.20.4, Black screen ON MULTIPLAYER ONLY when not pressing TAB button
Distant Horizons for 1.20.4 is incompatible with Iris 1.20.4
No Shaders Tab
I have a 1.8GB Log Folder after 5 minutes of using the new beta versions of Sodium and Iris.
Turning on shaders sometimes ctd
whenever shaders are enabled entities freak out
distant horizons config button missing (NOT DISABLED IN tmol FILE)
Iris 1.8.0 beta 4 is... broken
i am getting 20 fps
Iris 1.8.0 alpha for 1.20.1 crashing when I try to load a world
Crash upon game start
incompatible mods found
someone help me with this before i blow my brains out please
Loading screen issue
Can't find Iris + distant horizon for 1.20.4
Iris incompstible with NeoForge 21.1.62
i dont think its supposed to look like this
Create incompatible with forge sodium iris 1.20.1
Compatibility with Generations Core
Create crashing with iris 1.8
colortex buffers not accessible between composite passes
error code
Rendering error after using shader
having trouble getting DH+IRIS to work. any help?
Iris + Sodium crash (something about shader/chunk overrides)
dh and iris just not working
DH LODs + Shaders results in an Illegal State Exception and LOD rendering being disabled on macOS
Game in 1.20.1 Crash du to iris 1.7.2+mc1.20.1
Water/shadows are glitching
Weird Flashes randomly appearing
Doesn't load the videocart
Question! Most recent DH version compatible with Iris in 1.21
a weird thing :/
Iris 1.8.0 beta 4 crashes when I turn on any shaders
crash on prism launcher with iris beta 4
Transparency/Translucent Issue with Mod Rendering
Repeatedly crashing even with only Iris, Sodium, and DH
Nether portal disappears through glass. Iris 1.7.3 on 1.21.
skylec shader dont work, help me pls, it doesnt crash at all
distant horizons 1.21.1
How does the installer work? can't seem to get it to install.
Game keeps crashing, while trying to open a new world
Iris 1.8 Forge Snapshot Tetra Shading Issue
iris shaders
Annoying visual glitch when placing or breaking blocks with iris and sodium
1.21 crashes when entering the world
Iris 1.8 Beta 3 creates odd shading on leaves that have a unique shape compared to Iris 1.7.3
What are these shaders
Mods folder missing after installing Iris and Sodium in Minecraft
miscalculated/clamped/delayed projection on "reflective" glass?
not compatible with sodium
(Solved: Voxy Incompatibility with Iris 1.7) Iris 1.7.2 Crashes on "Joining World" screen
Crashing when using unstable
Crash when destroying a multiblock structure
DH chunks being weird
DH shader compatability install
.jar files not opening
Complementary Reimagined shaders clouds
computer craft screen 1.21.1
Bugs with SEUS GFME on 1.8 beta
Sodium fails to load on Neoforge 1.21.1 due to an error with the fabric rendering data attachment
Water issues on DH
Flywheel Supporting Sodium 0.6.0 Beta 2
Problem with Iris + DH plugin on Mac
Bug: Entity Shadow
Cursor does not center in GUIs when shaders are enabled in Linux Wayland
Game error: -1073740791 Game crashing after a while when running shaders on Iris
Shaders no longer working on 1.20.4
trying to run distant horizons on 1.20.1 but cant open the game due to crash.
help me
Intermittent stuttering regardless of whether I use DH or any shaders or not. 1.20.1 fabric sodium
Iris shaders causing DH chunks to dissapear
game crashes when i move in a world
Radeon 24.4.1+ Driver causes DH chunks to dissappear when using Iris
Iris 1.8.0 beta.3 + dh 2.2 (1.21.1) Bliss shader issues
Iris 1.8.0-beta-3 breaks Complementary Unbound 5.2.2's "Show Light Levels" feature.
Fabric 1.19.2 crush when rendering skull with shaders
something went wrong
sodium problems
Help needed with fixing texture transparency/lucency issues
I tried all versions of IRIS but it does not work
DH chunks render on top of terrain when alt-tabbing to->from Minecraft while fullscreen
After "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005)" set shaders enabled to false and still crashing
Dh + Iris not compatible when working with mods
DH+iris crashes
Iris crashing world creation
1.20.1 Forge 0.6 Sodium alpha build crashing
shaders having a loading error on distant horizons 2.2.0-a-1.20.1
Iris incompatible with embeddium
Significant performance drop after changing GUI Scale [Iris 1.8.0-beta.3+1.21.1] [NF only!]
Iris 1.8.0 Beta 3 Incompatible with Skyblocker
"Iris breaks version 2.2.0 of distanthorizons, which is present!" (yippie)
Problems about Iris with Distant Horizions on Minecraft 1.20.1
How do I download the latest version of Distant Horizon?
Physics mod incompatible
Can somebody send me to correct mods bc idk were to find them
Iris doesn't want to work with distant horizons
Log spam in current iris 1.8 build
The takePanorama() method is still broken in the Iris 1.8 1.20.1 build.
Rethinking Voxels still shows default clouds along with shaders' clouds
In 1.8.0-beta2, shaders no longer load if shaderpacks directory is a symlink
Iris + Fabric 1.20.2 + Mods Instant quit MC after lunching NO crash reports
Default clouds won't go away
Iris error with distant horizons
Crash with sodium 0.6.0
IterationT 3.0 not loading
It's requesting me to remove the exact version it requires me to use.
Performance Regression in the Sodium and Iris Betas
Parts become black with shaders - Emotecraft 1.21 + Iris 1.8
[1.8.0 beta 1] End portal effect broken in Complementary 5.2.2
Iris 1.8.0b1 crashes the jvm
NeoForge public release crash
Where is my Skin? And the Mobs?
horse markings above horse armor
JRE Fatal Crash Points to Iris, Keeps Happening Frequently
Iris Shaders:
Class 382 Not Found
Replay crashes with ANY shaders
Iris and sodium dev builds crash on world join
Need 1.20.2 support for Iris 1.7
emote and shader
Create Mod Structures offset bug
how to navigate the iris menu
Distant Horizons with iris shaders
Iris-Distant Horizons Compatibility
Is it possible to play create with distant horizons with shaders ?
Iris with shaders turned on causing Java crash?
Unexpected error while creating framebuffer: Draw buffers [0, 1, 2, 31 Status: 36054
-1073740791 error code while playing with the shaders
Iris Shaders issue
Crashing using latest version of mods.
Iris Shader Mod Causing Game Crashes on Linux (Fedora 40)
Problem with item holding on hand and black mods, player when using some common shaders.
how do i fix this im confused and new to modding
irish crashing
Enchantment glint not animating
Rendering Issue?
Help Shader not work lol.
White glow when breaking (BLISS) shaders, & Dimensions not working
help plis
Font and sprite rendering completely missing
I cant see the Distant horizon options logo in settings tab
Chests disappearing
About Iris translation pull requests
Randomly crash problem
my friend needs help downloading iris and 1.21 is gone??
1.21.1 fix i need 1.21 but i cant find the version in iris
Iris 1.8 + sodium 0.6 not work
Game cannot open
Iris failed to load shader!
Any help is deeply appreciated!!
Neoforge with Iris and sodium trying to Distant Horizions to work but getting this error:
Clouds won't turn off on some shaders
Forge + FabricApi + sodium + iris
Downloading Mods.
iris 1.7.4 1.20.4 exist ?
DH is loading the wrong chunks
Shader Issues
iris is having a problem with rendering shadows?
Distant Horizons creates huge log files again and again neoforge
Distant Horizons / iris version are now no more compatibility with eachothers
everytime i try to use a shader i have this error.
cant open installer
iris not installing with java
red glow after changing sun colors at night
shaders not working when i load onto a world
Textures not loading
After 1 hour the game starts to lag heavily
chest textures freaking out
shaders don't work
where can i download irse and distance horizon
Fabric error trying to instal distant Horzions
Shaders not loading on boot
replay mod with iris and sodium
Failed to load shader "Cybox" in new versions Iris
why do shaders on optifine perform better than on iris on my system?
Crashing game, most likely iris, missing dependencies?
lighting bug? not sure what causes this
Shader Options not showing up.
Annoying visual glitch with iris and sodium when placing or breaking blocks
bliss shader and mac dh compatibilty
bug report
distant horizons does not recognize root blocks
MacOS 1.20+ Fishing Rod Bug
Where can I find IRIS mod that compatible with Sodium 0.5.7?
Enchanted Items turn black when used along Essentials
Dark Sky
astralex crashed
Duplicated player.
Issue with DH
Distant horizons is taking up all my cpu and it is laggy
Dark Render of custom Models on Iris on certain shaders
errors when enabling shaders
Forge Crash on BMC
artifacting with dynamic lighting
iris not loading properly
Sodium and therefore Iris incompatible with PhysicsMod Pro NeoForge 1.21
After updating to 1.7 of iris my game will just crash
Iris shaders will not load at all.
Iris Crashing
sodium renderer-unsupported driver issue
Low fps on AMD gpu
Bookshelf rendering issue with Continuity
Im having issues with my Complimentary Shaders(and others).
Issue with forge
Crash when importing settings
"Loading Terrain..." screen taking a long time to finish
Weird Shadow
Emotecraft Incompatibility - No body bend - Iris issue
`frameTimeCounter` in the end seems slightly broken
Hulp my minecraft is broken
Not available for Fabric 0.14.21 (Minecraft 1.20.1) ?
world not load when i used embidum and iris neoforge 1.21.0
Does Iris 1.7.3 work with distant horizons 2.1.2 in 1.21 ?
Better End Sky only works when the dragon is dead
too much fog in bliss shader i try to reset but it not working
how to improve the graphics of block(like bamboo and kelp in dinstance hoziron
Dh Iris crash log, Promience 2 RPG pack
Nvidia driver crash, how do I update?
Game crashing with shaders and DH
Compatibility between iris, sodium, indium for DH + shaders
my game just randomly crashes after sometime of gameplay
anyone know how to fix this?
create mod crashing
Shader Pack Failedto load
Pls help me
PBR textures breaking when using my TextureManager Mixin.
Minecraft 1.21 crashes when enabling shaders with distant horizons 2.1.3 enabled
Iris not downloading.
DH wont work at all woth complementory shaders or bliss it says the shaders arent compatable
theres this issue when i press escape the whole screen flashes purple and it hurts my eyes
Underwater game-breaking bug when enabling shaders.
Iris crashes (java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot read field)
Game Breaking rendering issue
Crashing when shaders are turned on
not working
Iris crashes with sodium
no shaderpacks options
Enchanted items have no texture in every menu except while playing
DH making minecraft crash with sodium 0.6
Sodium is BROKEN!
i am trying to install it but i get this mess
Distant horzions not showing full "chunks"
Instant crash
wobbling clouds
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: modelPos
Weird 3D shader glitch
End issue
it doesn't appear me other options
Shaders Sky bug
Distant horizon update crashing Minecraft
Shaders Not Loading
items don't appear in my hand
Does anyone know how I should go about fixing this?
No shaders option in graphics settings
sodium renderer
hi me want to buy new pc my final last confusion is wat i buy 3060 Ti vs 4060Ti me work is render
Rendering Entity Crash Message after Iris 1.7.3 Update
Shaders and BMC1 Fabric
Banner on shields issue
BSL and Iris
encountered issue while trying to load shaders
getting a Fabric Loader error
Download failing with Error:java.ioFileNotFoundException
i cant download due to error for file not found
sudden crashes while using shaders, is fine without
Shaderpack failed to load in 1.21
Problem compatibility with a modpack
Black spots in distant terrain with bloop shaders
Weird textures with shaders
Cycling through shaders makes the game window vanish
Lux shaders don't work with Distant horizons
Game crashed, and now crashes whenever I try to rejoin
Entities Dissapearing
help error on 1.21 idk what to do
iris 1.21 enchanted tools dont show in inventory character hands
[SOLVED] Bliss Shader rendering everything in purple
I cant add Iris to DH on Curse Forge?
duplicate field net/irisshaders/iris/mixin/vertices/MixinBufferBuilder/vertexCount;;I in inputs
Iris causing Shields with banners to be textured wrong on 1.21
it isnt downloading correctly
How do I fix this shader issue?
I'm having a weird, glowing star(?) issue.
they dont work
Shrimple shaders only applying RTX light within chunk
it wont load on labymod 1.20.6
Multiloader-1.21 Testing and issues
Rethinking voxels
game crash when loading into world
I dont really know whats going on, ChatGPT Keeps saying sm about iris errors
Distant Horizons Not Loading LOD's
dont open
Iris Installer unable to fetch metadata
Using with continuity causes to crash when opening inventory with a enchantment
1.7.1+1.21 Glowing effect does not work when shader is on (tested complementary, vanillaAA)
Shaders give super low fps on macs
1.21 nametag Bug
Issue with iris-1.7.1+mc1.20.6 not loading certain shaders (BSL v8.2.07)
Error loading AstraLex shader
Health, hunger and some UI elements dissapear when shaders are on
White Border Fog with Sildurs Enhanced Default Shaders
Player texture error in inventory 1.21
Anyone know what could be causing this?
iris not integrated Dist Horizons
Crashes when i go somewhere
iris shader setup not working
Shader packs not detecting
Shaders wont load
First time download
duplicate field net/irisshaders/iris/mixin/vertices/MixinBufferBuilder/vertexCount;;I in inputs
Buffer builder error
[solved: incompatibility with Fog Looks Good Now] Shaders shaking
Sky bug
Iris shaders (complementary shaders) fog doesn't work when using Distant Horizon (DH)
trying to install shaders for replay mod
Is there a way to stop this from happening?
inventory crash
iris crashes when i open inventory
minecraft crash on loading/reloading shaders
Shaders fail to load on 1.21
shader Graphic artifacts
DH Water bugged
Failed to Load
what settings for high fps?
Used Iris+Fabric for install, but it says theres no Fabric installed.
Distant Horizons LODS do not generate with shaders. Any way to fix?
Iris 1.7.1 crashes on start up
Iris crashes Minecraft when loading any shaderpack on any world
Game crashes cant find a reason
Iris issue running 'Shrimple' shaders in the End.
distant horizons is incompatible with any version of iris
Iris crashes when loading a world
Iris crashes on startup with Sodium + Distant horizons
i cant select the distant horizons thing
Iris Installer not opening/running
Cant download irishaders
Indium and sodium wont work together for distant horizons 1.20.1 with Iris
Iris 1.7.1 for Versions 1.21 and 1.20.5&6 very poor performance
Game crashing on launch.
Dh won't load the LOD when using shaders
Shaderpack won't load
Minecraft wont launch, my log is listed below
Incompatible versions of Sodium and Indium
Game window appears and immediately crashes. (Version 1.20.4)
How do I get DH working with iris 1.20.6
Iris has issues loading Photon
World Reloading On Shader Reload
Minecraft crashes when alt tabbing
Minecraft crashes before i can load into a world.
Tried updating everything but getting a crash right when the game loads
Issue with Iris 1.7.1 in Prominence II modpack.
Severe stuttering with DH and Iris
Possible bug, most likely something im doing
The Notes Download
Wont let me install newest versions
fps capped at 60 with vsync
Some modded textures disappear with shaders enabled
Extremely low FPS UI with shader enabled
Distant horizon does not work with bliss
Visual Ocean Bugg Bliss
SOLVED, hall of mirrors cause and fix Distant Horizons 2.1.0
RTX 3060 vs 4060
Transperent > complete but still errors
DH wont enable
DH LODs flickering
Iris crashes after Minecraft loads, no crash report, help pls
DH glitch (again)
DH glitch
Can't select Distant Horizons beta version in Iris Installer in any versions
Iris installing not working?
Iris Installer now working
can you make chocapic13's v7, v7.1, v8 support iris?
Game crashing on launch?
Not able to tick the box for DH beta version
Not able to add distant horizons
UI stutters when visible
DH Makes all shaders white even when i turn it off.
Snowy World mode on Complimentary 5.2.1 crashes Iris
cant install iris launcher
Lighting won't work properly
Shaders only glitch
Getting a weird crash error
no texture between chunks and dh when using shader
Raytracing issues
when i turn on shaders this happens:
DH breaks Iris, or viceversa...
need help
Complementary’s TAA Broken while working on optifine on intel arc A770.
Iris 1.7.0 crashes game but DH works fine (1.20.1 fabric modpack +300 mods)
I don't know what this means
Iris 1.7.0 1.20.1 Maybe bug
Screen overtaken by flickering when underwater (Complementary Shaders)
giant shadow
Can't install iris installer
Game crash on startup
BSL not working correctly
Sodium 0.5.8 incompatible w/ indium 1.0.27(?) but will crash when installed???
DH and Iris not working together
When running sharders video in picture-picture lag
Very small modlist incompatible with iris?
Distant Horizons stops working once I travel quickly
net.minecraft.class_2973: Invalid shaders/core/terrain_solid.json: The call method_34416 is not canc
Wits end.. Better Minecraft Fabric 1.20.1
cant install
Problem with shulker box
sodium crash when starting the game
Distant Horizons on Lunar client.
what causes this?
Weird DH chunkloading glitch
[Mesa Intel/AMD issue; see DH discord] Distance horizons doesn't work at all
help with this
Game does not launch when using boxlib (1.20.6)
White skybox below y:190 (photon-main)
PLEASE add immersive portals support
Shaders drop fps from stable 150 to around 30 with Create
[update nvidia drivers] No Shaders etc Installed fresh install EXIT CODE 1 on launch 1.20.6
help please
1.20.1 DH suddenly stops working?
[solved; install nightly build of DH]
dh with bliss working incorrectly
Sildurs vibrant shader broken in latest version of iris
How can I use iris shaders within modrinth alongside other mods? I'm not sure that i am doing this r
Horrific FPS and Temps while using Iris
no shaders loading on fabric
Crashing when trying to render a replay
Combine Iris with Labymod
bug until I reload shaders
Iris GPU 100%
Just updated to 1.20.6 and updated to newest versions of prism and stuff but getting this error on l
Chocapic13 v8 Medium Beta
stuff worked fine earlier today but now keeps crashing on startup
my cousin has an issue with DH
DH and bliss shaders 1.20.6 ghosting bug
My game started to randomly crash with shaders
iris 1.7 (1.20.6) "Failed to get entry for 0"?
glass connections
Screen starts tearing when disabling and reenabling rendering | "DH renderer encounter an exception"
Screen tearing
Voyager Shader failed to load
Flickering textures
visible ores
DH crashes when toggling LOD Rendering if shaders are enabled
Glass Fog Issue
Measurements mod not working correctly when shaders are loaded with Iris.
distance horizon with shader which gpu required I mean which best cuz am build new pc
(Solved: Use Java 17 for 1.20.4 and lower) Crashing issue
No fog
Issues with armor in Bliss
Updating Iris breaks a Modpack, crash on boot
Distant horizons not functioning correctly on modpack
Error Shader, DH and F3
black artefacts and ui glitches
banner when placed on shield looks completely different than original banner
IRIS and distant horizons are incompatible even though i use the versions installed with the install
Constant crashing never happened before
Client Light 15 in the middle of the night?!
Does anyone know why my DH is not working properly?
Got this message in game and it asked me to tell yall so here you go
Gui Glitch
Enchanted items are transparent
My game stutters a bit when using shaders
Cant join own server wolrd because of an iris error
Adding new ore - looks fine without shaders but lighting is weird with them
Random movement when not touching mouse
The Chunk doesnt want to render and Disappear
I have no clue what to do
Game not starting with Iris launcher
the uniform frameTimeCounter doesnt work when I looking down for some reasons
does iris for work for 1.20.6?
Visual repeating effect with Distant Horizons and Iris
error code 1 when I try to lauch the game
(Solved: Incompatibility with Blendium) any idea what happened? can someone help with this crash
Distant Horizons config button missing
bamboo piston crash 1.20.6
worlds are not opening when iris shaders is installed no error is given
[solved: update Reese's Sodium Options] Any help? Error with sodium
(Solved: Update pack to version Beta 1.8 HOTFIX) Ebin Resurrected Shaders not working with Iris 1.7
(Solved: Incompatibility with Better Clouds) Bliss + DH CLoud Bug
(Solved) Custom grass textures doesn't work on Iris
(Duplicate) Iris Shaders having a problem with AstraLex shaders
Error with iris
[solved: better biome blend incompatibility] Certain Blocks Voided (Iris/DH)
(Solved: Update Essential to Crash with Iris +when Essential is installed+
DH rendering incorrect blocks
(Duplicate) Failed to get entry for 10303
Minecraft 1.20.6 crash on launch with iris
Is there a way to remove the dark background in the shader settings menu?
[duplicate] update AstraLex shaders
Black flickering
installing iris universal pack
Torch turning on and off on Astralex
[solved] installer opening with wrong app
[solved] incompatible with optigui
why DH doesn't work with replaymod?
Chunky refuses to load downloaded maps/custom maps
Stuttering constant on high end pc
[SOLVED] MC isnt starting with Iris
Horizon locked in place?
game crashed when i try and load
DH loads but does not render
Changing settings in shader causes it to crash
The game crashed whilst initializing gameError: java.lang.RuntimeException: DH 2.0 not found, yet
Issues with Vivecraft VR + DH + Iris + Shader
Cant turn DH back on
Crash Error w/ DH 2.0?
Not starting getting error. (Solved)
[duplicate] crash with Customizable Player Models
ASTRALEX is not working
1.20.5 iris
(Solved: Update Astralex) Astralex Crashes on 1.20.5 Iris
(Solved: Update Customizable Player Model) Iris crash on world join
iris crash...
(Solved: Voxy Incompatibility with Iris 1.7) Client crashes when trying to join world.
Iris encountered an issue trying to load the shader; please report this to Iris developers"
cannot install distant horizons for 1.16.5
Game crashes when using Terralith
Iris doesn't work with customhud(mod) anymore
Freecam mods not compatible with Iris Dh?
Shader storage buffers/immutable buffer storage is not supported on M2 graphics card
On DH 2.0.3 beta, wondering if any iris releces are compatable
Iris 1.7 crashing when loading into a world with ViveCraft. in and out of VR mode. 1.6 works
Iris 1.7 performance issues: SOLVED (by disabling debug mode)
I can't run Iris 1.7.0
Is it possible to put DH on a 1.20 server?
world unplayable after running 2.0.3
it didn't do anything when i installed it
Launch Failure with 1.7.0-6bad887-dirty iris version
where i can get iris DH support mod
sky bug
DH issue
Latest Iris + DH Looks Weird
Lag Spikes
Bliss DH 2.0.3 latest Iris 4/20/23 GTAO Ambient Lighting Completely breaks
cant open up the iris + dh installer no option?
dh 2.0.3 now working
DH 2.0.3 not working
Iris crash with "adventurez" mod
Where do I download it?
world gen thread issue
When any of my shaders are enabled, leather armour breaks
Reloading shaders with Chunks Fade In
Strange disappearing effect with DH
1.20.4 DH server fork incompatibility
Getting this spammed in my commands chat-help
weird glitch effects whenever i move
Cant download iris
Distant horizon mod rambling
Crash while cycling through graphics settings
when I walk this appears...
Checkbox not selectable?
DH option in installer cannot be enabled with odd modded blocks
every time i try to install this happens and doesnt let me install what do i do
Bug: DH does not render with shaders
Bliss shader causes light glitchs
Iris incompatible with Amd Gpu?🤔
Graphical Glitch
Bliss Shaders, aquatic life not looking right
Is there a way for distant horizons to work in multiplayer while im NOT the host?
Any idea what could be causing this ghosting?
2.0.3 DH iris not working
DH support will stop Distant horizon
Bliss shaders causing blue fog covering entire screen
Iris auto update causes errors. (Incompatible mods found)
I've tried working on DH + Iris for about 10 hours and it's making me wanna scream :lol:
flashing blue lights issue, BSL shaders, MC 1.20.1
Kinda good pc lag on with DH and shaders
How to explore/render the surrounding world without exploring it?
Blurry quality
Chisel and Bits
AMD Radeon HD crash
everytime i start a world it says my dh is an unsupported version
DH + (BSL) shaders Black screen flickering
1.20.4 DH crashes
Installation issue
Iris & SEUS Renewed Lighting + Shadow Visual Bug
dh shader version for Mac
cant use iris beta
Distant horizon tutorial not working
why my minecraft on fabric iris doesn't see mods?
Texture Pack requiring Colormatic is >1.20 so does not correspond with Iris Beta + DH
Iris error
Mod shadow issues help fix
[bug] ice doesnt load in fake chunks
Shaders cause serious lag on servers
Invisible Mobs when using Fresh Animations Resourcepack
Installing IRIS from the non fabric link doesn't work
shader programs that affect the HUD?
Why is does DH 2.0 look like this?
network error
iris 1.7
Installing error
fps with rethinking voxels
config DH
Distant Horizons Glitch when Tabbed Out
Download Failed! Internet
Weird shadow on glass when in contact with water
Iris support custom models in texturepacks?
Iris not loading
Got an Error Title with Bliss Shaders on Distant Horizons when entering the End
DH mac support?
is it normal for chunks to be showing up like this with distant horizon?
Oculus issue
1.20.5 snapshot shader question
ASUS AMD Radeon R7 250 keeps crashing
The dh compatibility faq mentions the beta may damage your computer
Iris aint showing up in the shaderpack menu
when a world is finished loading, my minecraft turns into a white screen and crashes very soon after
Unable to download iris launcher.
Whenever I try and open the installer I get this message?
Weird sun shadow bug in DH terrain
I have a good pc but im still getting low fps
DH not working at all. Followed the yt tutorial in dh-compatibility-faq but still nothing.
Maybe a one person problem..?
Terrain Generation
I don't understand how to download on mac
Optimization possibility? Very high ammount of shadow chunks when looking in a specific direction.
Anyone know what causes these weird graphic spikes?
Exit Code 255 Crash on launch
Loading mods with Iris/DH beta
why am I peeing white stuff?
mixin error need help
DH + Bliss not using full GPU
DH + Bliss + Resource pack deletes block breaking animation
DH + Bliss shaders causing blurring
DH settings/Settings In General.
To use Iris Shaders and Dist Horizons Have to re install
Crash with BetterMC 4 Forge Modp[ack 1.20.1
Couldn't launch in modrinth
laging to much
Game doesnt open when usingg iris
Unable to download Iris system or open it
Game crashes on launch (exit code 1)
Can you fix this / can you make it render blocks instead (it looks horrible)
When I reload shaders the bloom from things eg trees go all over my screen
Problem with leaves graphics
Shader not loading in end
no lightmap with sildur's vibrant shaders
What Are the Best Settings/Mods for FPS Using Bliss and DH?
[Valkyrien Skies and Eureka Ships Mod Don't Work With DH] Weird Chunk Bug
Entity culls when it should not be culled
how do i make iris + dh work in 1.20.4?
Game crashes every time I approach custom/modded structures when using DH with IRIS
Iris 1.7.0 for fabric 1.18.2
[FIXED! Don't Use Better Clouds] Error when opening any worlds, error from "net/coderbot/iris/Iris"
Weird artifacts with BSL Shader
Can't Load Iris Installer
Where do I install the shader if I'm using a curseforge modpack?
Found a major problem, either with bliss shaders or Iris
Bliss shaders 'doesnt have DH support'
Installing Mods with Iris+Fabric
I get like 10 fps or less while using shaders on low quality
starting iris crash
Last DH-Compatible Iris version gives lag and shutters performance compared to the previous version
why this is showing this even though everything is matching the requirements
Weird Stuttering Issue with Shadows
hi im new to iris and i was wondering how to install it
Severe DistantHorizons.sqlite file Bloat in World files.
Replay Mod cannot work on distance horizon and DH shaders
Visual Bugs
"Batching world generator timed out and terminated" what does that mean?
Question Regarding Using Forge as the ModLoader While Trying to Run the Experimental DH w Shaders
Distant Horizon not working
distant horizons menu not appearing:
The shaderpack failed to load!
can I use distant horizons in a sever with a friend?
Game crashing on start in the launcher when using DH
"You are running an unsupported version if Distant Horizon"
hello I wanted to put the distance from the horizon included in the iris install but when I launch m
Multiple layers of glass almost clipping into each other
Trying to play with other mods
"You are running an unsupported version of Distant Horizons" and Bliss Skybox breaking
PID error
Distant Horizons disable Color Overlay
Iris 1.6.11 CurseForge?
Cant run installer
Some mobs/tools are visible though my hand with shaders enabled
chunk boarders
Shadow issue with resource pack
Distant horizons has no effect on my game
Low render/view distance with DH & Bliss?
Custom Client
DH on feather.
will the new iris update work with, physics mod and DH? saying remove physics mod.
problem of distant horizon mode
Optimizing DH and Shaders
Towers of broken chunks
DH beta chunks rendering in multiple worlds
Custom Biome Detection
Languages not being changed via resourcepack
Iris download
Iris update
Shaders breaking in other dimensions, Bumblezone specifically
Steam Deck Failing
Block transperancy
[RX 6700XT + R5 7600] -100 FPS on iris-1.7.0-snapshot+mc1.20.4-482321c / Without enabling DH
Not Compatible mod
iris help
Game keeps crashing after attempting to start a new world
PTGI GFME issues with iris versions >1.6.10
Use the lastest version of Iris but on 1.19.3
Incompatible Mod: GUI Scale[Forge/Fabric]
What causes ice to be progressively more transparent the further away it is in a shader?
Poor performance with shaders and distant horizons
graphics issue?
Chunks not loading when using shaders
Item Models appearing black with shaders
Crashing on MacOS Sonoma (1.20.4)
What is Iris + Fabric?
When i use any type of shader atio6axx.dll error crashes minecraft
there is an error running DH with iris following all of the instructions?
Complemety fork not working.
Crash on startup; can't find cause in log file (attached)
4 fps, 100 percent cpu and <30 percent gpu with DH + Bliss beta
Weird color glitches
Incompatibility with physics mod
realm compatibility?
Bliss DH shader being realy laggy in places
Visual glitches and "poor" performance
Can't install Iris DH Beta
Mods added to Iris + DH not working
downloading iris
Screen turning black when entering water
chocapic13 glass transparency problem
DH won’t launch on steam deck with prism launcher
Echoing when moving.
Sun casts light through LODs
iris version compatability
Video Mirroring
Sodium dosen´t work
Breaking a block is bright white
PBR black box glitch
internet conection error
DH chunks disappearing when looking in a cardinal direction
Lowering resolution doesnt improve fps it just decreases gpu usage.
Iris (I think) crashing MC with my modpack (DH) Exit Code -1
red light on motherboard
I have installed everything form the installer, and game crashed with his error (DH)
DH not working with better minecraft
Iris not using mods in my mods folder
3060 RTX
DH not working with servers
No shaders work with DH. Either past vanilla distance is scuffed or turns off distant horizons.
DH + Iris compatability with curseforge?
loading issue (strange bugged towers?)
Cannot add mods to fabric without this error
Better minecraft DH not working with shaders
my sky is messed up
Can't find reason for crash
Installer don`t run
Distant horizons with shaders wont start
Weird moving shadow on tree leaves
Installer Closes Itself Instantly
DH shaders incompatible
What are all of the shaderspacks that work with distant horizons (other than shrimple and bliss)
Adding DH + Shader to Modpack on Curseforge
crashing when I load in with Idium
is there a fix?
Distant horizons isnt working at all
Tree culling
Distant Horizons (DH)
Some chunks dont load even tho there are pretty near
bliss shaders fails to load
I can't launch minecraft due to the error - "fabric loader 0.15.7 uncaught exception in thread main"
JAR file saves as chrome file
When using a shader pack with Distance Horizon, blocks in certain middle chunks appear transparent.
Dh not working
How do I add distant horizons and iris to a minecraft server?
command prompt issue
installer doesn't work
AutoLoad Chunks?
Optimal Settings
Are the websites and the same?
Error with LambDynamicLights [SOLVED]
Block break coloring
Flickering LoD's
installing tectonic with iris + dh 2.0 beta
how to fix that?
Constant micro stuttering= pretty much unplayable
kind of need help with this
Constant Crash
How to have 2 seperate installations
how do I Inter grate other mods with iris
Replay Mod
(Realms + Iris 1.7.0:) "Chat disabled due to missing profile public key. Please try reconnecting"
Iris Shaders disappearing on certain angles with DH
how to fix dark world when at sea lvl
I installed the Iris installer via Opera and therefore can't open it.
Game using too much CPU and getting very low performance with shaders. [Solved] kinda
Distant Horizons doesn't work with Bliss Shader
Installer just doesnt work
Game looks weird
game crashing immediately after launching
Crash error message
[NOT IMPORTANT] Just a question if anyone has time!
DH not working with ATM9 - insanely reduced performance without it
Physics mod and iris not working
.jar downloading instead of version popup
How do i uninstall Iris?
Game crashing on clean install :(
The game crashed whilst initializing gameError: java.lang.RuntimeException
Game crashes when i try to launch it from minecraft launcher
Shader compatibility with Spyglass Astronomy
Why won't my skin load?
Distant render isn't working
The IRIS Installer doesn't work
Installer Crash/Bug
Crash on start up when adding optimization mods with distant horizon + iris shaders
message i cant read in the game
Installer not working
Cpu bottleneck
Shader loading error
why is distant horizons not working with bliss shaders
constant lag spikes and some chunks not loading with DH
Distant Horizon flickering
Cannot install because it create me a Winrar
about forge n stuff
Crash Starting with Version 1.6 and above
shrimple error
Baseline settings?
Crash while using shaders
Just Boxes
Enchanted items being slightly translucent
Problems with dh iris,
ERROR for iris
essential mod compatibility
Weird Effect with Bliss Fog
Distant Horizon Settings Don't Appear
I cant load the bliss shaders pack on MacOS
distant horizons Tutorial
Incompatibility With Better Clouds/Yet another config Lib
Iris incompatibility with Doggy Talents Next's Dog Beds
Aggressive shadow culling
General Support: AA Lines
My DH is broken, even old versions.
weird sky issue...
Lagometer stuck on screen
Problem with my DH.
New to the mod, Performance Issues,
Trouble with Iris installer
geometry pool grows 4x the size without shaders
Does Iris cover snapshots?
is anyone else having this issue while trying to use DH with new iris shaders 1.7.0
am i dumb or does the newest install of DH and iris not wok
Chat disabled due to missing profile public key
Crash Error?
How to disable Bliss Shaders cyan end skybox
Custom sun and moon in Bliss shaders
DH First time
Low FPS with DH and shaders.
Cant find Java SE platform binary
distant horizon is not working
how to fix hitches
physics mod compatibility
shader probs
Is DH compatible with Mac m1?
Iris makes custom armor from itemsadder plugin look not right.
Weird rendering issue with textures and colors
How to get this ?
Low GPU Usage Iris + DH, AMD RX 7900XT
Hey, so I'm playing on curseforge 1.20.1 and I downloaded the Iris Shader Mod, but idk how it works
DH not loading when looking on one specific way
How can i make a server modpack with DH2+Shaders
DH and shaders
Question about my Specs
How to fix the reflective Ice through walls?
Works teh first time, second it doesnt
Running Unsupported Version
System Requirments
DH chat message bug
Iris DH bugs
minimap with iris shaders?
gpu 100%, solution?
how to fix
I don’t see the DH icon
DH LODs stop working when I enable Bliss shader
My pc keeps crashing
DH LOD chunks not loading
DH chunks load time
Inverted breaking textures with Bliss and DH?
QUILT with iris DH support not working [solved maybe]
Distant Horizons + Bliss Shaders causes wierd glitch with replay mod.
Chunks Not Loading With Bliss
Iris related error crash
Is only 40% GPU usage normal?
Rendering Issue
LOD quality issue
Iris makes desktop folder?
Idek what the problem is here
Questcraft compatibility
Anyone know why I'm getting pink blocks? Also it stops loading.
Rendering issues with shaders enabled
Vsync Issue
Crash when joining world with vivecraft on
Lights not emitting light and instead causing shadows
sky bug, Chocapic13 HighPerformance Toaster 1.20.1
problem with a modpack
Cloud bug
Strange chunk holes
DH LOD Chunk Issue
What does the Beta Warning Actually mean?
I tried to run DH with Shaders and some optimizations mods this is what i got
DH-Compatability crashes immediately
can't find dirty builds anymore
glowing amethyst LOD with distant horizons
how do i go over 32 chunks render?
where is my hotbare?
pojavlauncher error
My skybox looks does this when i use Bliss with Distant Horizons
What should I do if I want to install iris installer, but when I open it, it writes this error
iris keeps crashing mc when i play
the installer was unable to fetch metadata from the server
shader issue for @notnotsoup
DH Compatibility works only on SP?
Beta Iris for DH Crashes when Immediately Fast is used
Reloading shaders issue
Iris Beta UI bugs out when Distant Horizons rendering is disabled
Shader Not showing Up
Shader Problem (I'm using a correct one in #dh-shader-testing)
Invisible Patrix Creepers
Chat disabled due to missing profile public key - only w/ Iris
Keep Getting error code on iris 1.7
Dh2 and bliss shaders trouble
when I use bliss shader with distant horizons I cant see anywhere the dh is supposed to load
Older Versions of Minecraft?
DH settings button missing
Installer not working?
physics mod
Attempting Forge Compatibility
Whats the shader that comes with the iris installer called
1.20.4 installed with Iris installer rethinking voxels fork giving error
Bliss Shader for DH on Mac M2 Pro
Iris 1.6.17 - no compatibility with Emotecraft - body parts do not bend - Fabric 1.20.1
Lighting bug with Complementary Shaders 5.1.1, Iris 1.7 alpha
Can't run Iris 1.16.17
Chunks that are far away are not loading
Iris 1.19.2 + DH?
Iris and DH being dumb
unable to install iris on another drive
music resets when switching shaders
is it possible to use iris (with dh support) with forge?
Trying to look for usage rights
Intense flickering under wayland/KWin6
Glitch when chunks are loading
I dont know how to merge iris with my fabric modpack-pls help
Getting a launch error - game crashing
Help Getting Mods working w/ Iris/Sodium
Mods Tab not appearing ingame
Optimize shaders for Iris?
Iris without Sodium 0.5.8
dinamic lights
How do I install distant horizons and tectonic into iris?
Render Thread Error
I have distant horizon and while playing i see weird beams of light in the sky
Iris-Fabric Shader Optimazation not working
What does this mean ?
Any way to make an Iris version compatible with Sodium 0.4.10?
Distant Horizons works without but not with shaders...
[SEIZURE WARNING] Why is the sky freakin' out like that?
workaround for sponge-mixin bug?
Disappearing shadows
Minecraft crashes when turning off shaders
Crash on playing iris profile after install
Weird flare when breaking create mod blocks
LOD not working with shaders and DH doesnt seem to render properly?
Random Pillars Appearing
Download link not loading
Crash that doesn't let me use distant horizons
I have this error despite having Iris 0.5.8 into my mods folder
Shader tab not appearing
I get an error when starting the game
need help installing DH with shaders
Can iris be passed through Forgified Fabric API?
Quick question about MC versions for the DH compatibility project
All Entites become white
Weird shader glitch
iris compatibility with minecraft vanilla shaders
Anyone know what causes this?
How does Iris handle End Gateway/Portal rendering with shaders?
How to get shaders to work with distant horizons
iris-mc1.20.1-1.7-alpha.1-185a9812 crashes my game
how do I get dh and iris to work together?
When loading any shaderpack I crash due to a failed attempt to call Sodium on my forge modpack.
Can´t change resolution to 1440p
more fps with optifine
how to remove fog
mods not compatible, but i have no mods?
immersive portals and complimentary reimagined
Iris & physics mod crash at startup
how to tell shaders to not affect grass
Shader Option not showing
Render LOD
downloading = jar??
Weird issue with Vivecraft
glitches when trying to render twice with shader
Attempt at using latest Bliss shaders with latest iris + distant horizons
im trying to use iris for a shader on my smp port but i keep receiving this error
Shader rendering entity different when shader is active an omitting other stuff
FPS Suddently dropping
How to install Iris Shaders into the current snapshot 24w07a?
Iris & Sodium for 1.20.4 incompatible with the LambDynamicLights 2.3.4 (1.20)
Why is every block white (except for some tile entities and players)
Iris with Distant Horizons 2.0
I can´t download Iris
I cant find any downloads for shaders
Iris download help please
Java error
I keep crashing with only shaders. 1.20.1
i cant download iris
does it work on bedrock?
Mobs glow with complementary shaders and specific mod versions (see body)
Custom Model Data For Carved Pumpkins Requiring Iris?
Question about SEUS GFME support
RenderLayer.getEndPortal() not working?
rethinking voxels is not loading
Crash after updating Iris/Nvidium/Indium
Flickering Shadows
Currently on mac, my inventory bar is completely gone but when i press F1 it brings up a ton of info
trying to use the new build that is compatible with DH and it won't launch
no mods?
shader glitch
Vram leak?
iris isnt working..?
Any compabilities with DH?
broken shadows on all of my shaders
Obfuscated text causes big fps drop with iris installed
New Update big bug - can't load
Crash on open World
Crash on Startup
how do I enable "transparent face sorting"?
Lagging in menu
Sodium - Iris compability
Newest version of sodium incompatible with newest version of Iris?
Unable to Import Oculus shader settings
Crash whenever rendering a falling block
Iris compatibility issues with mods
Iris Fabric with Create mod
My game crashes after I apply a shader with the exit code 1
Game crashed?
distant horizons download isnt working
Immersive portals compatibility issue
Indium Sodium compatibility with Iris
Iris incompatible with sodium
can somebody helpe me to play shader i don´t get it
1.6.15 version?
What is "wireframe"?
i might just be stupid
Iris 1.6.14 modrinth
Sodium 0.5.3 required for Iris?
"A Java Exception Has Occurred"
whole minecraft application capped to 60 fps only when using sodium. but when i use optifine its not
Texture glitch when using shaders with Reimagined resource pack
Very high % of render taken up by sodium block entities and normal entity rendering
i am unable to download modrinth via both modrinth and the official site
4.10 version of soduim
Sodium 0.5.6
my game crashes when I want to join my server
Bad Performance
Having trouble downloading!!
Shader settings
What version of iris is compatible with sodium 0.5.3?
Weird grass rendering on 1.20.4
shadder error
Shaders don't work
Dumb question probably
Iris crashing my game
likely a stupid question
Shader problems
i cant open iris because i have win rar on my pc and it downloads in win rar what should i do?
what ever this is, crash without a slove
Iris crashing Minecraft
java problem….?
Is is possible to disable this type of culling?
Iris + Sodium not
Weird conflict with fabrishot- all screenshots look too bright compared to the screen.
[1.20.1] Iris breaks Spelunkery's liquids
1.20 Problem
Iris for 1.20
How can i disable entity shadows in SEUS Renewed?
Modrinth installation
Create mod + Shaders = LagSpikes
Upgrade iris 1.6.10 to iris-mc1.20.1-1.6.11 to get DH compat cause crash on join
Game crash
Iris crashes when i load a shader
1.20.1 Setup Help
I have a problem
Worse perfomamce compare with Optifine ( -20 FPS with iris and with shaders)
Low FPS??????
Error spam when using photon 7.28
Cannot launch
Giant stretched-out black triangles glitch
V-Sync doesn't work on Iris
i installed iris through curseforge and i cant fine the button to activate them
I installed Iris directly from the installer and it gives me an error code
black block breaking animation
Weird and glitchy skybox rendering
won't start up in a new world.
1.20.4 incompatibilty with essential mod leading to crash when loading world
iris crash
Low fps on high entity count with shaders off
iris 1.16.5 forge not fabric
weird issue
how to add iris to a curseforge profile
When i add Iris in my mods folder game won't launch
Destroying animation is too black
I saw this video and have some questions
Need help with Curseforge
trying to use shaders with curseforge pls help
Glass shadows are broken
Horse armor and horse markings layering issue
The shaders packs are breaking the custom textures of the server
Hitboxes stop working.
Is there any way that i can add shaders to other mods?
shader not work
Installer not opening, only giving me option to open with notes, or other apps
Iris doesnt work on curseforge 1.20.1
Hey I'm trying to use shaders on 1.19.2 with quilt. When I hit apply nothing happens.
Can I add FullBright to Iris?
Is there a way to use the Vanilla game color space?
How Can I Get Sodium, Indium, and Iris to be Compatible for 1.20.4
Is there a way to disable update checker?
continuity crash with shaders
just i need help iris may be cause
Drawing lines on the screen on WorldRenderEvents.LAST
Banding on bricks
how to install it in Linux
Immersive Portals comatibility issues
1.21 Iris wont launch [crash report]
rethinking voxels stained glass
I can't get iris working on 1.20 fabric/quilt it just fails needing newer version of sodium
Curse forge compatibility
Adding mods and add-ons
Crash report
Iris shaders reflectionlike glitch
"Shader compilation failed for shadowcomp compute shadowcomp!" error message when activating shaders
World render jitters when moving around
PBR not working when first starting game
Player flickering
Mod Crash
Enabling Complementary Shaders crashes with Iris when joining Multiplayer right after startup
Shaders make world into a void
Complementary integrated pbr not working on complementary unbound 5.1.1, iris
setuping an empty shader
Fullscreen decreases fps
Rethinking Voxels Beta does not work
I had it setup, got diffrent mods for something else and now i can get it back
Can't install Iris
Crashing while loading in with a Fabric modpack.
Pensa Motion Blur
Please help...
Not loading mods on Startup
Entities not rendering with BSL Shaders
Irish installer not running with fully installed java
Supporting SEUS Shader for macOS? (someone's fork of SEUS)
Enabling shaders makes my whole world white and laggy
shaders with dynamic light
mods and iris wont work
Game crashes with errors
Game crashes with shaders enabled
transparent particles having issues rendering properly
Some Shaders don't load properly
Can i get a zip file of the shaders?
mods won’t run
how to install it?
how to find out which iris version works with sodium 0.5.4
Shaders eventually lead to the system locking up
outdated sodium?
modifying shader pack to work with multiverse
Issues with added mods not loading
Game crashes - Sodium/Indium/Iris?
Sodium Client is not running.
Iris with curseforge
Iris Not compatible with Sodium0.5.3
¿Where is version 1.20.3?
Adding Iris Crashes the Game :/
Iris Not Installing
I cant use shayder with replay mod
Black sky
Game crashes on launch
Iris & Oculus Flywheel Compat not working for 1.20.1?
Custom color for hardcoded stuff in iris
Resourcepack reload failed
Distance very blury
Some textures look flat and lack dimming compared to the original game
how do i fix this?
Glare line permanently on screen (1.20.2)
Cannot load Rethinking Voxels
Hello, Iris/Sodium aren't appearing in my Minecraft session
No manifest found in mrpack
Unbinding "Reload Shaders" in modpack doesn't work
Minecraft crashes when I load shaders (Complementary Unbound r5.1.1)
"Unable to Install Java, There are errors in the following switches"
1.20.4 launch crash
Keeps crashing. See attached Crash report
wont start?
How to fix "incompatible with Sodium 0.5.3" error on PollyMC (1.20.2)
I can't load shaders
shaders not enabling
Can someone help me why lris is not working?
How to fix minecraft ( exit code:-1 )
iris Shaders using BSL with distant horizons makes things super bright
Trying to use iris and replay mod [im not good at all it this stuff]
Black sky with shaders
Indium not compatible with latest sodium.
Distant Horizons - GLX: Failed to create context: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
Update notification every time I join a new server?
How to get fabric mods to work with Iris-fabric loader
my game becomes a void with shaders
my game won't launch with the newer version of iris
Game doesnt boot up because of Iris
Game isn't open on ATlauncher
Update notifications
Using Shaders and a resource pack with CEM at the same time can cause frame drop
Resource packs won't load after 1.16.11 update on 1.20.1.
How to do back to older version?
Shaders won't load
Game Crashed when Opened
iris on 1.20 server
1.20.3 crash with Sodium: UnsupportedOperationException
Elytra model with EMF not working the same when shaders are enabled
Older iris version not working properly
Can Iris 1.6.9/1.6.10 be used on MC 1.20? If not, why the update message?
Iris not working on curseforge
I download the installer and when I try and open it it'll just bring me to save the file location
Iris not working for me on curse forge
Can't use Iris Shaders in Curseforge
Usable .jar for Feather?
No textures when im using any shader pack
starline fork plz
Iris is having issues loading a shader.
Iris crashing the game...
Can't play with shaders
Shaders, Emissives, and Continuity Mod
Blocky outline around edges when the sky is in view
Can I turn off the refresh function
Issue launching iris shaders on m1 mac mini
Issue with Complementary Shaders on Iris
Iris + FastPBR, 1.20/1.20.1 not working.
Mac GPU Support
All my shaders are performing poorly
Grainy textures
Having problems with glowing ores on iris
Installation help
Iris crashing my game.
Iris shader decrease my performance in 1.20.1
Exit code-1
Exit code-1
DH2 with shaders on fabric
replay mod shader render bug
My Antivirus Flagged Iris as Trojan
I can load the game w/Iris & Shaders, OR I can load the game w/Fabric & mods, but not both
The game crashed whilst tessellating block in world - indium renderer
bsl shaders foggy
cant open iris shaders thing
CPM model with glowing parts having said parts rendered behind everything else.
What's this noise when I use a resource pack?
white squares on certain models using Brixel
my shaders wont run past 50 fps
Any shaderpack griefs all other applications
Problem with Mob Generation
Long world/shader loading times
Trying to use Iris on Curse forge 1.20.1
I want irs with my curseforge
posting second time
Iris Shaders Problem with replay mod
Mob rendering bug
mod support
gives this on loading complementary reimagained
Iris Installation type diffrence
Minecraft stuck on 60FPS
Water Reflections Messed up
Iris blocks Not enough Crashes and doesnt allow one to start the game with it installed
cant run iris installer
doesnt work
Installed but not able to enable shaderss
How to mods and Iris
Forge Modpack 1.18.2
extremely high cpu usage
Not giving me the correct layout
Emissive ore flickering
Just installed and cant even open without crashing
Text not rendering on signs and contraptions
Struggling to get any mods to run with Iris/Sodium
Hello I would like to ask for someone to help me install shaders
The game stops rendering when using PBR resourcepacks
Using Iris API, how can I detect if a shader is using anti aliasing at the moment?
No shader packs menu in video settings
Crush Minecraft with Iris
RT/PT-related shaders shadows grainy/shimmering/noisy
Iris installer with other mods
Weird Leather Armor bug when enabling shaders.
sky flickering/black pixels
Shaders Broke on Updated driver
Extra grass broken and shaders looking dark/weird in newer installation
Game keeps crashing when booting up Minecraft
Game crash
Help install Iris with curseforge
Can't run the iris installer
Compute shader not working
Iris and Sodium 1.20
Strange missing file, I cant open the installer
game keeps crashing on world start up with shaders
BSL And Armor/Mob Reflections
my game keeps crashing with shaders, please help
BSL With Everything Off Worse Performance Than Sildur's Enhanced Default Fancy
Rethinking Voxels not opening
Bugfix when?
I can't open iris
Error messages showing wrong line numbers
Replay mod crashes with certain shaders.
Sodium issue
is there any version of Sodium 0.5.3 that works on minecraft 1.20?
Brixel crashing with any and all shaders I use
Shaders Suddenly started to crash clients at server
Menu readability
Shader sky bug
the kappa shader does not work in the nether
Terrain not rendering correctly when shaders are DISABLED
Shadow texture is broken
shader has no fire overlay
Distant details are very jagged
"Signature is missing from Property textures" spam
When using shader the FPS limits to 30, how can I change this?
Curseforge Modpack Question
iris breaks chunk loaders
Having trouble using the universal installer .jar on linux fedora 38
alt tab
Crash when Minecraft starting
Shader shadow artifacts
No shader drop down in video settings
Can't get it to work
Hello, my minecraft dont work with sodium and iris
It lags due to the fact that there is no shutdown button "Bloom"
New to Iris, BSL shader issue
My mouse is gone when i disable shaders
Sildur's Basic v1.051 // Shader Load
Massive FPS drop since installing
F11 doesn't work
The game crashes when I try and open my inventory with shaders enabled
low fps while using iris
Really bad fps with any shader
Sodium doesn't boost fps
mod problem
lighting issue
i can boot up the launcher and get in the menu screen of minecraft but when i load a world it crashe
Game wont boot properly and tabs in and out whenever the game launches
I'm trying to use Iris shaders combined with Sodium but everything is just a shade of "blue"
Letters load as little rectangles?
Shaders aren't working [1.20.2]
"Client cannot receive ore depth packet" w/ Iris
crash on startup
Connected Textures Inconsistency w/ Complementary Unbound
How do I uninstall Iris and install the fabric mod compatible version?
shader doesnt work
players dissapear when I load into a match
manual install
how do i turn on this setting?
will just not open. it crashes
1.19 iris version PBR?
Crashing when loading in world
Weird Black Texture When Enabling Shaders
Downloaded the launcher but it doesn't run
Low FPS with shaders
Downloaded Iris and Sodium correctly but I still don't have an option for shaders in video settings?
how to fix minecraft exit code 6 ?
How to install the beta versions?
Certain Shaders Break Resource Texture for Crafting Table
Iris for fabric installer
fps issues with create and iris
BSL shader debug messages
Mod completely breaks on Paper server
MC wont launch now. Changed nothing
Server Question
Game crashes when joining world
Help getting my block renderer/renderlayers compatible with Iris
Iris 1.6.9 - Crash while wearing custom modelled armor, and having outline
Curseforge "Fly wheel compat doesn't exist"
any shaders i try they work just fine but the textures get messed up
Create/Eureka not compatible with sodium 3.5
Very low fps when using shaders with iris [RESOLVED]
geckolib armor causes floating version of armor
Iris shader Jar file opening problem
POM not working
Umsoea Textures Not Loading & Incorrect Textures
Game keeps crashing 3 seconds after putting on shaders
Remove arm
Indium error
Chocapic Does Not Load Correctly
Custom Itemrenderer?
Mobs glowing with Comp Reimagined - Iris 1.6.9
adding iris to a 1.20.1 curseforge profile
Error 1 when opening the game [Solved]
Custom color support for resource packs
Uncaught exception in thread "main"
How To Enable Smooth Lighting
can't run iris installer, and I have java installed
Error Message while using Sildurs Vibrant Medium
Can't load Glowing Texture
Indium error
When I try to open the game it crashes and when i remove the mod it seems to work fine
Game Crashes when joining world
Can't open minecraft with iris 1.6.9
When I used shaders it suddenly become like this.
QQ"Fixed multiple bugs with the same result; entities glowing with Complementary Unbound/Reimagined"
Game Crashes when joining world
Face skins messed up when using iris/sodium
Multiple Crashes Today
I can't run the installer
crash on recent 1.6.9 iris and sodium 0.5.3
How to use iris shaders with fabric mods
Shaders won't load
I cant install the mod through the installer
Vr showing lighting and shadows in only 1 eye
opening iris installer jar file
Very long loading times / Crash during loading screen
Crash on world join
low fps with shaders
Sus particles
all text is white squares idk how to fix it help plz
Download not working
shrimple colored lights not working
Game crashing when joining world
Dynamic lights mod not working?
No Renders?
Low FPS bug
Unable to load my favorite shader on iris :/
terrible shader performance with the latest sodium and iris
Bug on latest Iris with Chocapic13 V9 Shaders
can not load iterationT 3.0 shader
Forge with fabric installation thing
not rendering the shaders
Terrible performance when using the latest sodium + iris with riva tuner statistics server enabled
After enabling shaders all text turns black even after disabling shaders
Issue with iris and ftb quests fabric 1.20.1
Game crash when switching to newer version
spawners ?
broken internal fallbacks for gbuffer
broken internal fallbacks for gbuffer programs
not working
Weird looking outlines on objects
Mods not working with Iris-Fabric
Double rendering of Armor with AzureLib
Couldn't load shaders
i want to use iris again on 1.20.1 but i need the special installer again
a lot of dots appear if I turn off my HUD or switch to third person:
Constantly crashing.
i would like to know how can I find a documentation about creating pbr texture in fabric
my fps with shaders keeps low but my gpu and cpu usage dont exeeds 60%
Custom Dimension Fix in Iris 1.6.6 Issues
Lighting issue on path tracing shaders
How does the aurora option/settings work?
Iris + Forge?
56 fps with vsync
When I press `r´ appear the message "Shaders reloaded", how can I free `r´ hot key?
1.19.4 not responding when loading shaders
Suddenly getting low fps
which fabric Modloader is needed to run Iris?
Iris 1.6.8 - why do all my nether worlds have clouds?
How can i fix this problem? black on every title
Minecraft stuck on Loading Screen with iris
need help troubleshooting a crash log
GUI works but shaderpacks don't change anything
Can't change mods
Iris doesn't launch with sklauncher
is there any iris version that works with sodium 0.4.10? (because of mod compatibility)
blurry map and some other items with Enchanced Default
does anyone know any alternatives for colormatic? i need it
keep getting error on incompatible mod set even after I've updated Sodium
All shaderpacks not working properly
Crashing Game
Translucency Sort
nearby chunks not loading when shader is off
No entity shadows
FPS rapidly decreasing in certain situations
Post processing only shaders are broken (Sodium 0.5.2, Iris 1.6.8)
Is this crash happening cause of sodium or iris? I keep getting disconnected
[General Shader] Shader Shadow Problem
I've got an error concerning iris /sodium and don't know what it could be trying to update to 1.20.1
World doesn't render without shaders
Iris and sodium does not work
Will iris be compatible with vulkan mod?
SEUS v10.2 and v11.0 not working
After updating i can only see 1 chunk(16x16x16). enabling shaders shows the entire world again
Everything white with iris 1.6.7 and sodium 0.5.1
The void is coming (Updating to latest Iris + sodium + whatever else causes blackness)
Can anyone help?
I have Sodium and Iris up to date but Iris Crashes
game won't launch
Broken light level with Sodium 0.5.1/Iris 1.6.6 and vanillaAA shader
Trouble running with mods
Dimension Mod Compatibility with Iris in 1.19.2
it's like I didn't install the mod
My shaders are not working with iris
Seeing spiders in the sky when using Rethinking Voxels and Shrimple
Virustotal Flag
I need help
game crashes until I delete one random mod
Iris works only in the first world of a paper server
iris for forge
Unknown crash when playing multiplayer servers
installing iris
Another Iris crash
Iris compatibility
I'm doing what the mod told me to do
Chunks not rendering + artifacting
I can't find how to download a 1.15.2 version
laggy cursor movement in the pause menu
Graphics Bugs/Issues
Itemsadder and Oraxen bug
no lighting with shaders enabled
Crashed as soon as I applied a shader.
How to get Iris to work with Forge mods
blocks arent rendering on 1.6.5
Updated Iris and Sodium, blocks and entities don't render anymore (but particles do?)
Some shaders not working on servers
Updated both iris and Sodium to newest version and it crashes at startup
Installation Iris Shaders 1.6.5
how do i stop iris downloading as a zip file??
I cant seem to get Iris to work with Feather Client
Normal Mapping and Reflections not working in Iris 1.6.4
Client Crashing
Shaders not working on local server
updated to iris 1.6.5 and sodium 0.5.0 and my game crashes when I enter video settings
Rings issue idk what to call it
Iris in modpacks
The game crashed whilst initializing game
Iris 1.6.5's Dimension Detection Has some issues
Bug/Crash with Sodium 0.5/Iris 1.6.5
I don't understand what is the difference between the Iris installer and the Iris 1.6.5
Any way to turn off the new version notifications?
How come Sodium and Iris are both locked to 1.20.1?
My game is stuck here
Crash with new Sodium,Iris
Crash on Launch after installiing new update and the sodium update
When rendering a replay using shaders, it'll randomly say joining world, then the screen turns black
When you load into replay mod and join new game while using Iris 1.20.1, the screen shows this:
Strange Java exception in game log, appears to not cause any issues but not entirely sure
Enabling connected textures
Weird Issues with Complementary Reimagined on 1.20
Log keeps getting spammed with the same error
Can't get Zoomify to work
Framerate dips when minecraft is focused, but increases when unfocused
Can't even download iris shaders
Rethinking voxels light not working?
Weird block culling(maybe) issue
Lag when loading chunks (with and without shaders)
iris on optifine packs
iris doesnt open
No Light Updates for some reason??
How to install Iris & sodium via curseforge
Render latency issues with unlocked fps and shaders
i cant load shaders in 1.20.1 it sais toreport the issue to developers and idk how to do that
Consistent Crashing some locations with Iris
Vivecraft issue
Opacity on OBJ model with Iris shader
Specular/Normalmap with custom renderer
Hey im trying to use iris to use optifine shaders
PBR support?
Rendering emissive meshes
Enabling shaders makes some aspects of the HUD/GUI Disappear
Game crashes when I load a shaders pack for 1.20.1 version of Minecraft
Issue when trying to render multiple RenderLayers using Fabric/Quilt
Getting terrible performance from shaders that run 3x-4x faster with OptiFine
Game keeps crashing and IDK why
Using shaders/texturepacks with iris makes my minecraft glitch
Add non-vanilla trees to shader pack?
KappaPT flickering etc
what am i seeing...
Map Shirts mod incompatible with Iris
Textures issues with many Shaders ?
Iris 1.6.4 works fine, but cannot load any shader
Iris not working on IPhone
Hello, I am having problem with holograms and nametags that makes the turn black and flicker
Repeated crashes when making a new modpack
Vertex color is ignored when rendering
Does replay mod work with it?
problem with installing the shaders
Support Custom Entity Models
My modpack is not working when i install iris shader or sodium are there any conflicting mods?
Curse Forge and iris
Iris Shader Texture bug
Hello, every time i try to load a shader with iris nothing changes. And ive used compatible shaders.
Game crashes as soon as i use shaders
when im going to install, it says its already been using by another process
All text boxes have an extra dark tint
Failed to add mod
I don't have iris?
Converting between FogStart/End to using the Blindness factor Iris uses
Iris Crashing in Development Environment
1.5 and 1.6 versions are broken for me.
the not enough crashes button still does not work with 1.20
Crashing when logging into servers.
Does anyone know how to fix scaling issues when going fullscreen in minecraft?
Variable shadows build in uniform: rainStrength
using prism launcher and this error keeps popping up
Artefacting when playing with any shaderpack (AMD)
Iris chrash minecraft
Minecraft Crashes when A Sand or Gravel Block drops
Iris instance
Game crashes when launching a world
there is a problem with iris
No Shaders Button?
Loading Iris with Other mods
Text rendering black with Shaders on - Possible Caxton incompatibility
spontaneous crashing due to "out of memory" when having plenty of unused memory
Weird Lightning Bug 1.20.1
Text becomes black iris 1.19.2
What is oculus and why is so similar like iris?
Weird bug involving the end and nether
iris shaders and xaeros mini map not working
colored block lights on Mac?
Game crashes and pops up Error Code 1 after applying the shaderpack
sky not rendering correctly or the sky is black
Any shaders don't work with Iris, on the Valhelsia Enhanced Vanilla
Where can I find iris with pbr support?
Nametag and holograms near crosshair
Close to zero fps on my Macbook Air
Smooth shading and iris
Subchunk-Lines "disappear" when using iris (with no shaders enabled)
How to use Iris with the Essentials mod?
Cannot install, tried two different .jar files. Is the site down?
Trying to use Iris for Shaders (New to this stuff)
Outlines around blocks not showing
Iris is consuming all my RAM (sorta not really)
Mod Help Please
Glowing ores
Issue with all shader packs
"A Java Exception Has Occurred"
Iris version compatible for sodium 0.4.2
Customizable Player Models Glowing Parts not rendering in first person
whare can i find the launch jar?
I have dark text on my shaders
not enough Crashes button not working
Bsl Water not working, everything else with shader working
Hey how to add mod on iris?
FPS Not Unlimited?
Improper Culling on Terrain Warping Shader
Minecraft fails to load with only Iris (1.20.1)
install iris on an existent fabric profile
black breaking animation with shaders on
Does anyone experience this issue?
i don't think this is supposed to happen
Improper shading on custom leaf models
What version of Iris does support Nostalgia Shaders?
really low fps
fps lowers in mac when making game bigger
Game crashes when toggling shaders OFF, but not ON
Exit Code 1
Iris+FTB Revelation?
the website is not available
every time I change my max shadow distance it resets back to default
Light sources don't update
Low quality textures from far distance with shaders
"Java exception has occured"
I cant load shaders with 1.17.1
Shader Issue
I am not able to access iris shader's website.
crash 1.20.1
"Iris Shaders could harm your device. Do you want to keep it anyway?"
bsl shaders not working?
lately ive been seeing this weird bug with any shader pack i use....
borked fog with some shaders + Iris vs Optifine
The domain for is indicated as expired.
[1.20] The problem with alpha
how to download the iris
Is there any way to disable the entity changes in Iris?
1.20.1 version makes world don't generate correctly
Iris Shader 1.19.3 not rendering at all
Iris 1.19.2 Help
Iris help
installation on multimc
Cant use shaders with fabric loader
Chat, Scoreboard and Tab(Player list) is dark with 1.20 Fabric.
Odd bug since switching to Minecraft 1.20
Weird Issue With Shaders Like ApolloRT and NostalgiaVX. (1.20)
Iris Installer 1.20 (Mac)
How can I use IRIS for 1.16.4
Having really odd memory issues with shaders enabled
Shader phosphor could not find uniform named insize in the speicifed shader program
Snow in physics Mod doesn't cast shadows in newer versions of Iris with some shaders
Crashes when turning off or moving between worlds
Issues with some items
Does Iris have a mods folder like forge?
Curseforge not working
Iris support for custom core shaders in mods
chat and leaderboard is all dark with shaders enabled
Shaders not rendering in clear weather.
Iris Shaders 1.20 day one?
Weird water bug discovered?
Minecraft fails to load with iris
Not Enough Crashes
PBR not working
Leather Armor Rendering Weirdly
Shaders not working
when i use a mod (Physic mod pro v153b fabric) with iris and sodium the game crash
Existing fabrics mods doesn't work after I switched to Iris+Sodium loader
Minecraft fails to load when using iris
Invalid Sodium Version Warning failed to appear, and it crashed after attempting to load a world.
The game crashed whilst unexpected error
[1.19.4] Shader Performances
how do i change reload shaders button?
AH yes my favorite language
Y'all know what this is? %s?
not launching, just used the installer
non effective shader
Create cogwheel "preview"
Outdated fabric loader
Exit code 1
Custom Loading Screens doesn't seem to work
Hypixel: Reloading pipeline on dimension change
Inconsistency with Nether fungi
blurry textures any shader pack
VSync locks to 60fps, i have 144hz monitor
When I install only the mod, the font is changed to these rectangles
GeckoLib transitionTickTime animation loading
Suddenly now that I'm on 1.19.4 with all my mods updated, the game runs like shit?
trying to instal iris
Where can I find Iris 1.19 download?
Hi,how can i change this setting?
No Shader packs button
blurry ingame text (maps, signs, etc.)
Iris flywheel compat not working
black skies with shaders enabled
Crashes at game startup
Probleme mit Journey map wenn Iris an ist
Using modded shaders
which mod could be causing shaders to break?
Invisible Items in multiplayer
where can i find iris 1.20 i saw it in a video and they said its here
game crashes when gravel falls
Errors when attempting running shader
Connected Textures
Item textures blurry when i use shaders
frequent micro-stutters
my sodiuym crashes with iris
crash when rendering overlay
See through entities/players/cauldrons
Blocky lighting Bug Rethinking Voxels
brixel pbr not working in 1.19.4 grrr
1.20 snapshot iris not loading.
need 0.14.19 for mods to work
✅Continuity not working
Flywheel compat broken by 1.6.2 (not iris' fault)
Shaders not working
Conduit Power not working properly
when i download iris it make me download it with a diffrient app
Might be missing something
Gpu not being utilized properly
physics mod brokey with iris
Crashing on start with Iris
qeustion! how do i update iris
LabPBR/Parallax features not working on supported RP with BCLib (Better End/Nether) enabled
installer issue
iris-fabric for shaders but none load in game?
Installation error.
patrix add-on & bonus no longer work as expected in 1.19.4 using iris 1.6.2
Wrong fabricloader version with newest Fabric API
Hi, my model and texture are broking.
Iris wont work with sodium for 1.19.3
Iris 1.6.2 + Sodium 0.4.11 crashes when starting a world
Iris isn't compatible with sodium.
game crashing
minecraft crashes
anyone have the 128x128 png logo for launcher?
Shader sky box
game crashing. please help
Latest shrimple with latest Iris gives me the following issue.
Shaders working but mods aren't
FPS stays good for some time before turning into 14-15 fps. Changing shaders temp fixes it.
Iris reporting an incompatible version of Sodium
Game crashes randomly when breaking blocks(using commands or manually breaking them)
This keeps happening when I open fabric.
Shaders glitching
Naelegos black screen
Can't get shaders on Iris working...
Iris 1.6.1 & sodium 0.4.11 crash together
Iris fails to use sodium.
broken shaders
menu text turns into blank white squares when using iris-mc1.19.4-1.6.1
Possible Texture Atlas Flickering Issue
Iris 1.6.2 crashes on startup, doesen't happen in previous versions
Shaders not enabling with the new update on 1.19.2
shader not loading fallback
Resource pack compability
I get better fps with Iris than with Fabric + Sodium
Installation problems.
New Version of IRIS (1.6.2) crashes my game (1.19.4)
Can't launch game with latest version of Sodium & Sodium Extra & Iris & Indium
What is the version of Sodium required for Iris 1.5.2?
Rendering bug after updating graphics driver
shaders not working
I have a large shadow following me, always to the north
Not correctly rendered blocks
OBS Start Crashes Iris 1.19.4 with code "-1073741819"
Unable to upload Iris 1.6.1 for 1.19.2 on my CF Modpack
Shaders won't load at all in 1.16.5 using M1 Mac
new iris 1.6.2 + newest sodium isn't compatible with Physics Mod, crashes when loading a world
I cant get iris to work with these mods
Error with the shaders
Green box over crosshair at low Y values
iris installer not working
i cant drag it into my shader pack spot on minecraft
Shaders won't load
I cannot load worlds
crash 1.19.4 with a few separate mods
Crash with just Iris and Sodium
Maps failing to render
Weird crashing issue
CF Modpack isssue
I need a '20w14~' Iris! I really hope to use light and shadow on the "20w14~" version
iris stops game
awful performance and visual glitches as of 1.6.1
Unable to load shaders
Black names above players on Mesa
Mod compatibility issue
Iris 1.6.1 (1.19.2): Crash upon entering into Server
are you able to put iris on a curse forge mod pack?
Game crash with exit code -1073741819
when I start minecraft, it closes and says
i crash after enabling shaders
Gray / "shadowed" font for every single shader I try to use.
Iris causing paintings/item frames to be ignored by ProjectileUtil.raycast()
Not sure how to fix.
Texture Issue on Iris (With, Without Shaders)
Fabric Loader Reporting Sodium Crash on Launch (Iris 3.0.1 | MC 1.19.4)
LS Enderpearl makes me crash everytime i try it
Cant activate shaders?
Game crashing on startup
How do I use regular Fabric Mods?
Loading in World Crash with Iris 1.6.1 (1.19.2)
'Enable Connect Texture'
Vanilla Launcher
Shaders are not loading (Minecraft Version 1.19.2)
Crashed after some time playing with shaders.
Crash on start up with Iris 1.6.1
Troubleshooting an incompatibility with Iris in my mod list
Shader not working (question)
"destroy" textures do not show after update to Iris 1.6.x
Game crashes instantly when enabling shaders
is there a way to use full bright with shaders?
Slideshow Mod compatibility issue in Iris 1.6.1
Iris & Sodium profile vs fabric-loader
Shaders not working after update
Iris Crash Relating to Mixins
Iron bar and Hanging sign
Spectacular reflections: Why does this happen?
game crashes randomly. please help
1.19.4 Support?
White signs are dull with shaders on 1.6 but are clear on 1.5.2 (Comp Reimagined/Overimagined)
Shaders are completely gone and no longer will re-install
Photon Shaders Obscuring Text
Game crash: `Cannot invoke "class_5944.method_34583(String, Object)" because "$$2" is null`
LDL and Iris
Shader fallback with shrimple 0.6
Motion blur?
Iris causing weird block lighting
Shrimple Problem
Rethinking Voxels 18c fails to load
game crashes when rendering block entity
game crashes when loading into world
I dont understand why my fps falls down to 5
Is it possible to select the snapshot on the iris menu or should i download the 1.19.4 version?
help my game looks crispy and pixelated
Issue with breaking textures
Game crashes on startup with Iris 1.6 and Sodium 4.10, doesn't crash with just Sodium
Running on dedicated GPU
Game does not load into menu after updating to Iris 1.6
banners broke between 1.6.0 beta 5 and release on 1.19.2
Crash using ray-traced shaders
How I get snapshot iris to my game?
Iris not working
My Fabric loader doesn't start. Getting Exit Code: 1 Error.
compatibility error, please help
i dont even know what is wrong with it now
Game keep crashing.
[resolved] Iris not working with custom Game Directories?
stracciatella shaders not working
Can't run iris installer
Crashing MultiMC is there a Sodium update I'm missing?
glass completely removes fog effect (also thanks for that mode you made me months ago IMS)
(off , fallback , check logs for more details) error
Game crashing when loading a new world (via `tp` commands or using portals)
Game Crash
Armor stand bug
Unplayable lag spike caused by swapBuffers
Fullscreen issues
Chunk border line issue
Shaders can't load custom light map
Is there any way to fix this weird lighting issue?
Does iris support exposing dimension info like names and IDs to shaders?
immersive portals compatibility
Iris Installer simply won't load. Tried downloading the java and javafix things and still nothing
Cant run 23w07a
Please make a thread here if you need help! Here's how to get the best support for your problem.