Weird flare when breaking create mod blocks

is that a compatiblity issue or can this be fixed ?
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5 Replies
MrChapoOP13mo ago
update: this is caused by iris flywheel compat mod however removing this mod causes extreme lag as it is meant to render create stuff without performance impact. any fix ?
hardester13mo ago
Playing with shaders I assume? Shaders support on Create + Iris is rather iffy as Create uses its own rendering system. It's a hit or miss in terms of what shaders work without any weirdness.
MrChapoOP13mo ago
so there's absoluetly no way to fix this ?
hardester13mo ago
Multiple ways to solve this issue, although none are favorable. One of the ways is to have shaders work around this weirdness, but that adds complexity to the shaders developers. The other is to have both Create and Iris work together so that rendering is properly managed between the two mods, much like how Distant Horizons getting native Iris support to get shaders working properly (see #dh-support-testing for more info). But much like the previous one, it now puts the development complexity towards mod developers. The best workaround so far is to try different shader packs and see if it works without exhibiting weird effects.
MrChapoOP13mo ago
damn what a shame. thanks for the info.

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