My game crashes on world loading
The game crashed: unexpected error
Error: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.MixinTransformerError: An unexpected critical error was encountered
is this what you guys need? im very new idk what part to sendd as a crash report
19 Replies
we need the whole log and/or crash log - Paste, share & analyse your Minecraft logs
Easily paste your Minecraft logs to share and analyse them.
okay so which paprt
the entire thing
0-0 thats alot but okayyyyyy
hmm i cant find anything too weird besides that sodium is crashing
@IMS do you know
your iris version is old
can you link me too the new one/
i need to find a new one do you know where i can? because it says its up to date
or rather the file does
or rather rather! forge has it up to date
ill check hte other place
Both are the same
idk how it could be out of date
Iris 1.8.8 for NeoForge 1.21.4 - Iris Shaders
Download Iris Shaders 1.8.8+1.21.4-neoforge on Modrinth. Supports 1.21.4 Neoforge. Published on Feb 20, 2025. 17992 downloads.

it says its the same file
im confused
according to the log you just sent, you're running 1.8.4
this is what the game's loadingthis is weird cuz ur right

this is so weird
cuz it loaded
why does my computer think its the same folder-
Why is that file have a OneDrive checkmark?
idk T^T
uhh @Moderators