Umsoea Textures Not Loading & Incorrect Textures

So I bought umsoea 1024x and it does not load correctly. With some textures, it is pink and black. And with others, they do not display the 3d block in the way it is supposed.
10 Replies
FortNbreakOP2y ago
(This Happens With 512x, 1024x, and 2048x) so it is not just limited to the 1024x
Mithos2y ago
You'll definitely need to install continuity and indium Depending on what other features the texture pack uses you might need even more mods that provide support for these features on fabric. Iris is a shaders mod - it does not provide optifine features for texture packs by itself, except for pbr support
FortNbreakOP2y ago
I installed them both and it fixed the windows not working, however, the chests and stuff are still bugged with the arches not working
Slooshie2y ago
I also tried umsoea the other day and it had broken textures I have a lot of the optifine alternatives like continuity, EMF, and ETF
FortNbreakOP2y ago
i think it is due to something with optifine allowing for 3D Texture Mapping or something maybe someone will make a mod idk
alexsovi2y ago
Try with entity model features, entity texture features, cit resewn, indium and continuity
Slooshie2y ago
I have all of those and the RP is still broken
FortNbreakOP2y ago
alright i uninstalled mc but i will reinstall i was thinking on trying that i gotchu
NVIDIA2y ago
Umsoea works with 1.16.5 and 1.14.4 and you have 1.18.2, texture names has got changed on 1.17.1, install 1.16.5 or 1.14.4
FortNbreakOP2y ago
alrighty then

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