Iris broke the PBR for SEUS GFME (Solved)
When I enabled texture packs with PBR in SEUS GFME this happened (screenshots below) and I guess this is again an Iris bug in SEUS GFME support.
Minecraft 1.21.4
Fabric Loader 0.16.9
Iris 1.8.4
Sodium 0.6.6
Shader pack: SEUS GFME v17.0
Please fix it!

4 Replies
I think pbr issue is already being worked on
have the same Problem with different shader, and talked to a moderator yesterda
just disable pbr for the time being
I vouch, having the same issue... also, having some complementary issues when using pbr items, glass turning red, water becoming transparent
this is fixed in Iris 1.8.5, releasing now
(downloads if it's not up yet)